Page:Barnes (1879) Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (combined).djvu/248

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The wife a-blushèn in her prime;
The widow wi’ her eyezight dim;
   Maïdens dippèn,
   Childern sippèn,
Water drippèn, at the cool
Dark wallèn ov the little pool.

Behind the spring do lie the lands
My father till’d, vrom Spring to Spring,
Awäitèn on vor time to bring
The crops to paÿ his weary hands.
   Wheat a-growèn,
   Beäns a-blowèn,
Grass vor mowèn, where the bridge
Do leäd to Ryall’s on the ridge.

But who do know when liv’d an’ died
The squier o’ the mwoldrèn hall;
That lined en wi’ a stwonèn wall,
An’ steän’d so cleän his wat’ry zide?
   We behind en,
   Now can’t vind en,
But do mind en, an’ do thank
His meäker vor his little tank.


If theäse day’s work an’ burnèn sky
’V’a-zent hwome you so tired as I,
Let’s zit an’ rest ’ithin the screen
O’ my wold bow’r upon the green;
Where I do goo myself an’ let
The evenèn aiër cool my het,
When dew do wet the grasses bleädes,
A-quiv’rèn in the dusky sheädes.