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I'd better be ashore by seven. Good-night, Captain."

"Good-night, my lord."

Stranleigh rose from the wicker-chair, stretched himself, and yawned. The Honourable John watched him narrowly.

"Good-night, Jack," he said. "I suppose half-past six is too early for you, and you can't come ashore with me in a small boat?"

"Oh, yes, I can. Won't you have a tasse of brandy?"

"No, thanks."

"Better take a liqueur, or something. Shall we open a bottle of champagne?"

"No, I don't care for anything more to-night."

"Well, I'll see that breakfast is ready for you at ten minutes to seven."

"Don't trouble, Johnny, that's too early for me. I shall breakfast ashore, and perhaps you will keep the yacht waiting long enough to breakfast with me."

"Very good."

Lord Stranleigh went down the companion-way, leaving an apprehensive man sitting in the wicker chair, who took another liqueur glass of cognac to steady his nerves.

It was with a sigh of relief that Lord Stranleigh found himself in Morlaix with the Honourable John