Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/162

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"What's that?" asked half a dozen of the white-robed lads.

"Fire, somewhere," answered Hiram, pausing in his rush toward Joe.

"Come on, this can wait," added one of his companions. "We're through with this initiation, anyhow."

"But I'm not through with him," snapped the bully with a glance of anger at the young pitcher. "I'll settle with him later."

"Fire! Fire!"

Again the cries rang out on the night air.

"The school must be on fire!" yelled Luke Fodick. "Come on, fellows!"

"Fire! Fire!"

Many voices now took up the cry outside, and through a partially-curtained window could be seen the dancing light of flames.

"Come on!" cried Joe to Tom. "We've got to be in on this, whatever it is!"

"Surest thing you know," agreed his chum.