Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/163

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They rushed from the room, following after Hiram and Luke The others straggled out as fast as they disrobed, for they did not want to be seen in their regalia by any of the school authorities who might be on hand after the alarm of fire.

"I hope it isn't any of the school buildings!" exclaimed Joe as he and Tom raced along.

"That's right. So do I. Look, you can see the reflection from here."

The boys were opposite a window in the corridor, and over the roof and spire of the school chapel could be seen a lurid glare in the sky, but what was burning could not be made out.

"It's the gym!" gasped Tom.

"Don't you dare say that!" cried Joe, "and with the baseball season just starting."

"Well, it looks like it anyhow."

Together they raced on until they came to a door that gave egress to the campus. Students were pouring out from their rooms in all directions, some eagerly questioning, and others joining in the cries of "Fire!" No one seemed to know where the blaze was.

Professor Rodd came out with his precious tall hat in one hand and a bundle of books in the other.

"Is the school doomed, boys?" he asked.