Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/19

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Its tree, Juniper. Its stone, Bloodstone. Its motto, "Courage and strength in time of danger."

1—Napoleon leaves Elba, 1815.
2—John Wesley died, 1791.
3—Letter postage reduced to two cents, 1883.
4—Battle of Ivry, 1590.
5—Boston Massacre, 1770.
6—Dred Scott decision, 1857.
7—Goffe and Whalley, regicides, arrive at New Haven, 1661.
8—Death of Henry Ward Beecher, 1887.
9—Napoleon marries Josephine, 1796.
10—Prince of Wales, now King Edward VII., marries Alexandria, 1863.
11—Charles Sumner died, 1874.
12—Caesar Borgia killed by a cannon shot at Biano, 1507.
13—Magellan discovers the Philippines, 1521.
14—First train crosses Suspension Bridge, 1855.
15—Maine admitted to Union, 1820.
16—Samoset visits the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1621.
17—Boston evacuated by British, 1776.
18—Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, 1766.
19—First lunar eclipse on record, 721.
20—L'Aiglon born, 1811.
21—Cranmer burnt for heresy at Oxford, 1556.
22—Stamp Act passed, 1765.
23—Dr. Webster found guilty of the Parkman murder, 1850.
24—Longfellow died, 1882.
25—Was New Year's day till 1752.
26—Governor John Winthrop died at Boston, 1649.
27—Ponce de Leon discovers Florida, 1512.
28—Vera Cruz surrendered, 1847.
29—Emanuel Swedenborg died in London, 1772.
30—Joseph Bonaparte made King of Naples, 1806.
31—Death of John C. Calhoun, 1850.

[Having now given an important event on every date in the year, we shall ring down the curtain.]


"A gentleman should always associate with his superiors," says President Eliot, of Harvard. But can a gentleman have superiors?