Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/53

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Frogs and Mice.
Next him, Troglodytes, which not afraid,
Each secret hole and corner creepeth in,
Gave Pelion the Frog, with durt berayd,
A deadly foile with his small brazen pin:
Within the wound the javeling sticketh sore,
And frō the veines forth streams the purple gore,
Thus to his end pale death this Frog did bring,
"[1]Which kils the caitife with the crowned king.

Pot-creeping Embasichytros, of late,
Whose valiant sonne did all the Frogs defie,
Now quite confounded by disastrous fate,
Devoid of life thy headles truncke doth lie
At hardy Seutlëus his crooked feet,
A Frog which feeds on nothing but the beete.
And clam'rous Polyphon there lyes thou dead,
Slayne by Artophagus which eateth bread.

But when Limnocharis their deaths beheld,
Which in the marish hath his whole delight,
The angry Frog, by love and ire compeld,
To sad revenge his pow'r and forces dight:
"[2]Life must be paid with life, the Frog did cry,
"Their deaths I will revenge, or with them dye.
"Thus when true love, & valour guide the heart,
"A cowards hand will play a souldiers part.

  1. Tendimus huc omnes.
  2. Mors morte pianda est.
