Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/54

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The Battell betweene
And from the ground a milstone in great hast
He raught: "strange wonders courage doth enact:
And with great violence the same he cast,
At proud Troglodites as one distract:
In middle of his necke the stone did light,
Whereby he sleepeth in eternall night:
Thus bruised with the fall, this Mouce did lye,
Suffring the torments of deaths tyranny.

Yong Lichenor, his sonne that first was slaine,
A gallant Mouce, which did no colours feare,
Desirous, though with death, renowne to gaine,
That his exploits, ensuing times might heare,
Fierce butcher-like Limnocharis espide,
Whose weapons were with bloud in scarlet dide:
To whom he said, Fight coward, or else flie,
Thou or Lichenor here shall surely dye.

And with those words, ayming his heart to hit,
Strongly his javeling at the Frog he threw,
It pierc't his side, his brest and bowels split,
His vitall spirits from his body flew;
Dead lay Limnocharis upon the playne,
The bravest souldier in the watry trayne.
"For death impartiall doth with one selfe hand,
"Cut off the strong & weake at heavens command.
