Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/55

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Frogs and Mice.
Crambophagus, Eat-Colewort, which of late
Basely his armes and weapons cast away,
Thinking by flight to flie the stroke of fate,
Ran to the water from the mortall fray:
Whom Lichenor, more swift then he, pursude,
And in his hearts warm bloud his speare imbru'd:
Vpon the shore the dastard Frog was slaine,
Ere he could leape into the running maine.

Heroicall Limnesus, Fennie Lord,
Incensed by mad rage, blacke furies brand,
The bold Tyroglyphus slew with the sword,
A great commander in the Mouces band.
Deepe holes and hollow caves he usde to delve
Among the Cheeses lying on the shelve.
His head the Frog doth from his necke advance,
And in great triumph beares it on his lance.

Faint-hearted [1]Calaminthius, in great feare,
Little in stature, and of courage small,
Beholding vast Pternoglyphus appeare,
A Mouce exceeding great, strong, bourly, tall
And which in bacon flitches holes doth make,
He doth his weapons with the field forsake,
And craven-like fled to the durty bogs,
"Even as the fearefull Hare pursude with dogs.

  1. So called of the herb Calamint.
