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“Then, those that are behind them maun
Gi’e shot, baith grit and sma’;
And so, between your armies twa,
Ye may make them to fa’.”

“O were ye ever a soldier?”
Sir David Lesly said;
“O yes; I was at Solway flow,
Where we were all betray’d.

“Again I was curst at Dunbar,
And was a pris’ner ta’en:
And many a weary night and day,
In prison I ha’e lien.”

“If ye will lead these men aright,
Rewarded shall ye be;
But, if that ye a traitor prove,
I’ll hang thee on a tree.”

“Sir, I will not a traitor prove;
Montrose has plundered me;
I’ll do my best to banish him
Away frae this country.”

He halv’d his men in equal parts,
His purpose to fulfil;
The one part kept the water side,
The other gaed round the hill.

The nether party fired brisk,
Then turn’d and seem’d to rin;
And then they a’ came frae the trench,

And cry’d, “The day’s our ain!”