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The rest then ran into the trench,
And loos’d their cannons a’;
And thus, betweeen his armies twa,
He made them fast to fa’.

Now, let us a* for Lesly pray,
And his brave company!
For they ha’e vanquish’d great Montrose,
Our cruel enemy.


You'l marvel when I tell ye o’
Our noble Burly, and his train;
When last he march’d up thro’ the land,
Wi’ sax-and-twenty westland men.

Than they I ne’er o’ braver heard,
For they had a’ baith wit and skill;
They proved right well, as I heard tell,
As they cam’ up o’er Loudon-hill.

Weel prosper a’ the gospel lads,
That are into the west countrie;
Ay wicked Claver’se to demean,
And ay an ill dead may he die!

For he’s drawn up i’battle rank.
An’ that baith soon and hastilie;
But they wha live till simmer come,

Some bludie days for this will see.