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[ *°7 ] EABINDRA NATH THAKUR. Rabindra Nath Thakur, the eminent Bengali poet, novelist, dramatist and essayist, belongs to tbe famous and cultured Thakur family of Jorasanko in Calcutta. He is the grandson of Babu, sometimes called Prince, Dwarka Nath Thakur, and the son of Maharshi Devcndra Nath Thakur. He was born in i86o« Having lost his mother while quite a child, and being the youngest'child of the family, Rabindra Nath was not educated in the usual way, hut was trained directly under his father's eyes. The effect of this training is visible in Mr. Thakur's life and writings. As a boy he knew things noj known even to many grown up and cultured men, whereas in certain respects his views and experiences seem immature even in "nature age. He became an accomplished prose- writer when he was only sixteen ; his poetical genius had appeared much earlier. The direct influence of the Maharshi's character on him is seen in his profoundly spiritual hymm and the meditative calmness that breaihes in his essays on religious subjects. It is also seen in the tendency to retirement and the enjoyment of the depths of spiritual communion which is growing upon him with his growing approach to maturity of age. The ardent and vivacious poet of youth is visibly turning into the contemplative and experien- ced rishi of advancing years. Babu Rabindra Nath's genius is of a most versatile nature. His poems delight alike the lover of amorous romance and the seeker after meditative depth and tender- ness. His stories are liked equally by the lover of light fiction and the moralist and the social reformer. His songs are admired and appreciated both by the spiritual and the unspiritual. His hymns have opened a new chapter in the spiritual history of the country in general and the Brahma Samaj in particular. His 13