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C «8 1 public utterances, few and far between, are eagerly sought for. When a lecture by him is announced, the hall, however large its capacity, is filled long before the time fixed, and hundreds return for want of seats. Babu Rabindra Nath is also an eminent singer and musician. Thousands sit entranced when he sings in public meetings and in devotional festivals connected with the Brahma Samaj. Babu Rabindra Nath's activities have been chiefly literary. He has successively edited the BAarati, the Baiak, the Sadhana and the Bangadarshan, all Bengali monthly reviews. But he is also a man of varied worldly experience. He has travelled much in India and Europe, studying English literature for a time In the i/ondon University under Mr. John Morley. He has spent many years in managing his father's vast estate and also served long as the Secre- tary of the Adi Brahma Samaj. Lately he has devoted much of his time and attention to a school established in the Sanllniketan, the garden house where his saintly father meditated long in his early years and achieved spiritual success. This school is modelled much after the old schools under the rhhit in which the students practised brahmacharya and lived with their teachers. It is a pet scheme of Rabindra Nath to make this school a success. The last but not the least important features of Mr. Thakur's life f is his ardent patriotism. Active patriots and politicians may- always count upon his sympathy and co-operation, and the success of the recent sutadesM movement a not a little indebted to his touching patriotic songs and his beautifully written and excellently delivered lectures on various subjects bearing upon the progress of the nation.