Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/31

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more correctly, Sons. Similarly, all the other relations of our own life here below exist eternally realised in Him through His Prakriti As we are domestic and social beings here, realising ourselves in an organised society, so stands the Lord in an organised spiritual society of His own, composed of the endless multiplied forms of His Prakriti. And the exquisite romance of love and service which we taste here in our earthly life has its prototype in the love-play in His own Being. The bogey of anthropomorphism that has scared away the thought and theology of the other world-religions from this inexor- able logic of thought, did not influence Bengal Vaishnavic thought, which was not afraid of carrying the logic of man’s direct personal experience and realisations into the very Being of the Lord without which these experiences and relations could not possibly be justified rationally and spiritually, and had therefore to be dismissed either as illu- sions or snares of the Satan. Bengal Vaishna- vism refused to do either. And it, therefore, posited the root and realisation of all our human relations and affections in the eter- nally realised personality of God. The Vaish- navic conception of heaven, which is called