Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/32

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Brindabana, is the logic of the evolution of this world of Nature, man and society. In Brindabana all Nature stands in its perfected beauty. In Brindabana humanity stands in all the perfections of its life and relations, the perfections towards which individual human and social groups have been striving from eternity to eternity. In Brindabana the law is not the law of force, direct or indirect, physi- cal, mental or social; but the supreme law of pure and self-less love. In Brindabana, lastly, there are no gods or supernatural beings but only perfected humans, perfect in body, in mind, in emotions and in will. The heaven, as conceived by Bengal Yaishnavism, is nothing more or less than what is called for by the inexorable logic of our earthly existences and experiences. Shree Chaitanya Mahapravu in his historic discussion with the learned exposi- tor of Samkara-Yedantism, Swami Prakasa- nanda in Benares summed up the philosophy of the Absolute of his school with these words :

ब्रह्मशब्दे मुख्य अथें कहे भगवान
चिदेश्वय्थ परिपूर्ण अन,धै समान ।
ताचार बिभूतिदेह्न सब चिदांकार
चिहिभूति आच्छादिया कहे निराकार ॥