Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/35

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which means the devotee sees with his eyes all objects, both those that move not and those that move, but he .sees not their outer form ; whei'ever his eyes fall there is revealed the form of the Object of his devotion. In other words, in the state of samadhi the devotee is lost completely in the consciousness of his Lord. This is a verified and verifiable experience. To the Christian devotee in this state of samadhi it is the Christ who fills and covers all things. To the Moslem devotee it is Mahomet who fills and covers all objects. The Christian or the Moslem devotee sees even with his outer eyes not material objects or forms upon which his vision falls, but the form of Christ or Mahomet. This is a not veiw uncommon experience even in our human relations of love-romance. The lover losing all outer consciousness becomes possessed by the form and the voice and even the odour of the object of his or her love, though objectively he or she may not be present before the senses. In the records of the experiences of Chris- tian devotees it is not unknown. St. Francis of Assissi, we learn, found thus the passion of