Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/36

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Christ reproduced in his own person, and he was so identified not only with the mind and will of his Master, but even with his physical experiences upon the Cross that blood rushed out of his hands, feet and temple at the points which were nailed to the Cross in the body of Christ himself. This is practically the same as the supreme beatitude of our Vaishnavic saints and devotees.

In Bengal Vaishnavic culture the Ultimate Reality is called Shree Krishna. Shree Krishna is the Purusha or the Supreme Person of our Vaishnavic thought. And Shree Radha is the name for His Prakriti. Radha Krishna arc, however, really not two but One. It is in the process of the self-realisation of the Divine Unity that the Supreme Person becomes dif- ferentiated into Purusha and Prakriti. Shree Krishna and Shree Radha are essentially one. But this unity of the Divine Being is not an undifferetiated unity, but is eternally self- differentiated. In this self-differentiation Shree Krishna stands as the Purusha and Shree Radha His Prakriti, that by and through which He realises His consciousness or His rational being. His love or His emo- tional being, and His will or volitional being. Shree Krishna is the eternal Subject. Shree