Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/57

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42 BENGAL VAISHNAVISM In this conception of Shree Krishna as the Lord or Bhagavan, Bengal Yaishnavic thought has followed the inexorable logic of the general Ved antic position as distinguished from the position of the Samkara-Yedantic school. Brahman is both the efficient and the material cause of the universe. This is the general Yedantic position. Following the logic of it, Yedantic thought tried to explain this universe by positing Brahman behind it. What Bengal Yaishnavism did, however, was to go further and ask itself, if the explanation of the universe is that it has emanated from Brahman, the question arises, is this emanation real or only apparent ? Popular Yedantism, and in this term must be included ordinary Yaishnavism also, declares that it is not real but only apparent. Bengal Yaishnavism, however, as I have already indicated, believes in the reality of the universe, not outside but in the very Being of the Lord. It is from there, where this universe exists eternally realised, that it has emanated, and been manifested as a progressively realising reality. Not only this universe but man also exists in the very Being of the Lord eternally realised. And of this spiritual human kingdom, composed of eter-