Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/58

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THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE ABSOLUTE 48 nally realised humans, Shree Krishna stands as the centre. He is the Lord and Master of this eternally realised human kingdom. But here He rules only and absolutely through love, and not through fear or awe. The soul of love is the sense of kinship, instinct with the spirit of equality. In sport, all the players, though playing different parts, are not dominated by any sense of inferiority or fear. What we call democracy really reigns in the play-ground. The subordination of the different players to their leader or captain is really self-determined and not super- imposed from above or outside, and therefore breeds no conceit of superiority or sense of inferiority. This is the conception of Bxdndabana as a social ideal in Bengal Vaishnavisin. Shree Krishna is made to almost lament the universal usage of His worshippers, who stand in fear of Him, in awe of His might and majesty. And He desires for the pure love and affection of His devotees, unmoved by any consciousness of His greatness and grandeur. He wants. He says, the simple love of His devotees. “The mother- love that chastises me, the friend who challenges my superiority and rides on my back and oflfers me his food out of his own