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þyssum, 2639; dat. pl. þyssum, 1062, 1219.

þicg(e)an, st. v., with acc., seize, take, partake of, eat, 736, 1010; pret. pl. indic. þēgun, 2633, subj. þēgon, 563.
ge-þicgan, st. v., with acc., take, receive, 1014; pret. sg. ge-þeah, 618, 628; geþah, 1024.
þīn, poss. adj., thine, thy, 267, 2131, etc.
þinc(e)an, see þyncan.
þing, st. neut., thing, matter, affair, 409, 426; gen. pl. ǣnige þinga, “by any means, in any way, on any condition, at all,” 791, 2374, 2905.
þingan, w. v., determine, appoint, 1938; pp. wiste tō þǣm ahlǣcan…hilde geþinged, “knew that battle was in store for the monster,” 647.
ge-þingan, w. v., with refl. dat., take service; pres. gif him þonne Hrēþrīc to hofum Gēata geþingeð, “if then Hrethric enters into service at the Geats’ court,” 1836.
þingian, w. v.:

(1) address, speak, 1843.

(2) compound, settle, allay, 156, 470.
þīod-, see þēod-.
þīoden, see þēoden.
þis, demon, adj., see þes.
þis, demon, pron. neut., this, 290.
þolian, w. v., [thole] endure:

(1) trans. 832, 1525, etc.
(2) intrans. 2499.

ge-þolian, w. v., [thole]:

(1) trans., endure, 87, 147; dat. inf. tō geþolianne, 1419.

(2) intrans., wait patiently, 3109.
þon, pron., see sē.
tō þon, adv., to that degree, so, 1876. tō þon, þæt, until, 2591, 2845; see sē.
þon, adv., then, 2423.
þonan, þonon, þanan, þanon, adv., thence, 819, 520, 1265, 1292, etc.; sometimes of personal origin, 1960, etc.
þone, see se, sē.
þonne, adv., then, 377, etc.; repeated, 1104–6. See þonne, conj.
þonne, conj.:

(1) when, while, with indic. and subj., 23, 573, etc.; in elliptical sentence, brēac þonne mōste, “enjoyed [him or them] while I might,” 1487. Correl. with þonne, adv.: 484–5, 2032–4; swā bið gēomorlīc…þonne hē gyd wrece…þonne his sunu hangað, “so will it be sad, [that] he should then utter a dirge, when his son is hanging,” 2446–7.

(2) than, after compars.: 44, 248, etc. With compar. omitted: medo-ærn micel…þonne yldo bearn ǣfre gefrūnon, “a great mead-hall, [greater] than the children of the age ever heard of,” 70.
þonon, see þonan.
þorfte, see þurfan.
þrāg, st. f., time; acc. sg. of duration of time, 54, 87, 114; nom. sg. þā hyne sīo þrāg becwōm, “when the time (of battle) came upon him,” 2883.
þrēa-nēdla, w. m., [throe-compulsion] the compulsion of oppression or misery; dat. sg. for þrēa-nēdlan, “compelled by oppression or misery,” 2223.
þrēa-nȳd, st. f., [throe-need] dire need, oppression, misery, 284; dat. pl. þe hīe…for þrēa-nȳdum þolian scoldon, “which they through dire compulsion had to endure,” 832.
þrēat, st. m., troop, band, 4, 2406.
þrēatian, w. v., threaten, press; pret. pl. mec…þrēatedon þearle, “pressed me hard,” 560.
þrec-wudu, st. m., [onset-wood] spear, 1246.
þrēo, þrīo, num. neut. (of þrīe), three, 2278, 2174.
þreottēoþa, ord. num., thirteenth, 2406.