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dat. of the rel. particle þe, “because of which,” antecedent ǣg-wearde).

-þeah, see -þicgan.
þēah, conj., usu. with subj., rarely with indic.: though, although, 203, 2855, 2467, etc.; once þēh, 1613; þēah ic eal mæge, “although I may,” 680.
þēah þe, conj., usu. with subj., though, although, 1167, 1716, 2481, 2838, etc.
þēah, adv., though, yet, however, 1508.
swā þēah, see swā.
þearf, st. f., need, 201, 1477, 1797, etc.; acc. fremmað gēna lēoda þearfe, “fulfil still the people’s need,” 2801.
þearf, v., see þurfan.
þearfa, w. m., n. or adj.: ærnes

þearfa, “shelterless,” 2225.

(ge-)þearfian, w. v., necessitate, render necessary; pp. geþearfod, 1103.
þearle, adv., severely, hard, 560.
þēaw, st. m., [thew] custom, 178, etc.; dat. pl. “in good customs,” 2144.
þec, pers. pron. (archaic acc. of þū), thee, 947, etc.
þeccean, w. v., [thatch] cover, enfold, 3015; pret. pl. þehton, 513.
þegn, st. m., thane, 194, 400, 1230, etc.; used of Beowulf, 194, etc., Hengest, 1085, Wiglaf, 2721, etc.
þegn-sorg, st. f., thane-sorrow sorrow for one’s thanes, 131.
þēgon, þēgun, see þicgan.
þēh, see þēah.
þehton, see þeccean.
þenc(e)an, w. v., think, intend: usu. with following inf., 355, 448 (fut.), 739, etc.; with dependent clause, 691; absolutely, 289, 2601 (see onwendan).
ā-þenc(e)an, w. v., think out, intend, 2643. ge-þenc(e)an, w. v., with acc., think, think of, 1474; inf. his…ende geþencean, “think of the end thereof,” 1734.
þenden, adv., yet a while, 1019.
þenden, conj., with indic. or subj., while, whilst, 30, 1224, 2985, etc.
þengel, st. m., prince, king, 1507.
þēnian (=þegnian), w.v., with dat., serve, 560.
þēod, st. f., people, nation, 643, 1705, etc.
þēod-cyning, -kyning, þīod-cyning, st. m., nation-king, king of a people, 2, 2144 (Hrothgar), 2579 (Beowulf), 2963 (Ongentheow), etc.
þēoden, þīoden, st. m., prince, king, 34, 797, 2336, 2656, etc.; dat. þēodne, 345, etc., þēoden, 2032; pl. þēodnas, 3070.
þēoden-leas, adj., prince-less, without one’s chief, 1103.
þēod-gestrēon, st. neut., nation-treasure, national possession, 44, 1218.
þēod-kyning, see þēod-cyning.
þēod-sceaða, w. m., nation-scather, national foe, 2278, 2688.
þēod-þrēa, st. f., national misery, 178.
þēof, st. m., thief, 2219.
þēon, st. v., thrive, succeed, 8; pret. sg. hūru þæt…lȳt manna þāh, “this indeed has prospered with few men,” 2836.
ge-þēon, st. v., thrive, 25, 910; imperat. sg., 1218. on-þēon, st. v., thrive; pret. sg. hē þæs ǣr onþāh, “he therefore throve erewhile,” 900.
þēon (=þȳwan), w. v., oppress, 2736.
þēos, see þes.
þēostre, adj., dark, 2332.
þēow, st. m., slave, 2223.
þes, þēos, þis, demon, adj., this, 411, 484, etc.; inst. neut. þȳs, 1395; acc. sg. m., þisne, 75, þysne, 1771; gen. sg. m. and neut. þisses, 1216, þysses, 790, 806; dat. sg. neut. þissum, 1169,