Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/15

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with a design of accumulating some gain to himself by saving the Board, etc.

When the Pupil is dismissed, he receives a Recommendation from his Master: assumes the Title of Doctor, and launches out into the Ignorant World as a Practitioner in Physic, Surgery, Midwifery, etc. and now I think he may be legally styled, Doctor Imposter. Now is the time for playing the Hypocrite, for his Friends and Relations are employed to recommend him to the Public, as a man of wonderful skill! Great Humanity, and he soon finds Employment. If any Patient is murdered by his maleadministeration: he then Reports, that the Disease was so violent that it was impossible to conquer it by the most powerful medicines; and if by chance he cures a Patient ill of any dangerous Disorder, his fame rises immediately: he is highly extolled, and soon becomes very popular. He often rides out under the pretence of visiting the sick, when perhaps, nobody is ill; and goes from home one way, and returns by another. He rides very fast, and appears to be always in a hurry. He rails most bitterly against every Practitioner but himself, and Doctor Triumphant; whom he represents as a man of very extensive Abilities. At all Opportunities he crouds himself into the Company of the Patients of other Physicians, decrying the Remedies they have prescribed; telling what wonderful Cures he has wrought; How humane and charitable he has been to the necessitous; as he has often given his Advice