Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/16

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to the Poor gratis, etc. He by the way offers his service, uttering a few high flown expressions; indulging himself in a variety of Nods and Significant Gestures, and emphatical Hmm's! and hahs! till he has excited the admiration of the Poor feeble Patients! who being desirous of Relief, employ the Imposter, and dismiss the regular bred Practitioners from their service. If he finds at any time that he is not in a likely way to perform a cure; and by a secret check of conscience, becomes doubtful of his own Abilities, he sends for Dr. Triumphant, to Assist him. If they cure the Patient, both of them are extolled as very eminent Physicians: but when the Imposter performs a cure alone, he has all the Praise to himself, and soon becomes so well established in his Profession, that he is esteemed fit to commence Doctor Maker, and in a few months is furnished by his Ignorant employers, with a Number of Pupils.

This has been the mode of Education, and method of introducing Imposters into the Practice of Physic in too many Places under the Sun; and of making them so very Popular in the World, that they have over-run Regular bred Physicians, to the disgrace of the Human Species, and destruction of their Health and Prosperity!

Many have been allowed to Practice Physic, who have had no learning, or at least have never been instructed by any Physician. This is evident by the great number of Quacks, who have raised their fame by imposing upon the Ignorant World with Nostrums, which have been recommended as a specific, for almost all kinds of Disorders; but on trial, have fell greatly short of the Encomiums that were given of them.