Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/17

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When an Imposter has once relieved a Patient by a Nostrum, he may be permitted to Administer other Remedies also, and so introduce himself into Practice by the Assistance of his Friends. In short the Practice has become so general that many of the Gossips are allowed to Practise, and interrupt that of the Regular bred Physicians.

Some People who are of a stingy Disposition, employ Imposters in the Medical Art, because they commonly practice cheaper than the Regular bred Physicians; and this is one thing that tends to introduce those devouring caterpillars into Practice. But it has been observed, however, that if these People stand in need of the Assistance of a Sawyer, Carpenter, Blacksmith or Taylor, they will be very careful in chusing a good workman. O foolish People, and unwise! Who hath bewitched you, or induced you not to chuse a good workman, when your lives are in imminent danger? Why do ye swallow the poisonous Doses prescribed by those Quacks and Imposters who know not the virtues of Medicines, the strength of your constitutions, nor the nature of your Diseases? Why do ye set a higher value upon your Money, than ye do upon your Lives? How can you be sure that such poisonous Remedies will not put an immediate end to your Existence? And is not the Employment of such Imposters almost as criminal as murder, and Suicide?

Lex naturae prohibit facere injuriam.
The Law of Nature forbids us to do injury.

Great Exertions have been made in divers Countries and Cities to Suppress Quackery. I was once in a large Country, when the Legislature enacted