Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/18

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that a Committee should be appointed to examine all the Physicians, Surgeons, and midwives, in the government, who had not been graduated at a college, or University; or served as a Surgeon, on Board of a Man of War, or in the Army; and to licence all they found duly qualified; and if any Man or Woman, attempted after a certain Day, to Practise in any of the preceeding Professions without a Licence, He or She should pay for the first Offence, a fine of Fifty Pounds; and for the second Offence, double that sum, etc. if I mistake not.

I was also in a City, where a Law was passed, forbidding any Person to Practise, there, who had not been Graduated as a Doctor of Physic in some of the Universities within the limits of the United States or had passed an Examination, and been licensed in the same City. That if any attempted to practice without such qualifications, five pounds was to be paid for the first Offence, ten for the second, etc. And, I am preswaded, that the Legislatures would do well, if they made Laws in Every Government, for the Suppression of a Vice so very dangerous to the Lives of the Human Species.

It is a very extensive and laborious task, to learn to be a good Physician; for the requisite Arts and Sciences are so comprehensive, that much time must be spent before a Student can be properly Qualified. and although, many have spent but a year or two in Medical Studies, before they have entered into Practice, yet I am confident, that Seven years is not time enough