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was something so pathetic in the look that Burley could not resist it mute appeal.

"I am varry sorry, Aske. I am that."

"I am very sorry also, and very grateful, Burley. You saved my life."

"I am right glad I saved it."

"I have wronged you, robbed you and wronged you!"

"Ay, thou hes. That is t' truth about it."

"I want to remedy the wrong as far as it is possible. Will you drop the suit? I will pay all expenses."

"Thou can stop it to-morrow. I'll be right glad to hev it stopped."

"As for the damages—"

"To be sure. They hev to be considered. I hev lost a deal o' money."

"I will give up the new mill, with all pertaining to it."

"Why, ta sees I hevn't money to run both mills. If I rent it to a stranger I'll hev trouble again."

"Eleanor has something to say to you, father. I hope you will let her do what she wishes. It is hard to be sorry and have no tangible way to show regret in."