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"Father, I brought all this trouble on you and on Anthony."

"Thou did. I'm glad thou hes found it out, and I forgive thee with all my heart."

"I have made you lose more than the fifty thousand pounds you gave me as a marriage-portion."

"I think thou hes."

"Take the fifty thousand pounds back. If I prove myself worthy of it you can restore it when you are more able to do so."

"Well, my lass, I like this in thee. If Aske is willing, I am. With my uncle Shuttleworth to back me and thy fifty thousand pounds I can run both mills until they run themselves. Neither Aske nor thee will lose by it in t' end."

"Burley, shake hands with me. From this hour it shall be 'Burley & Aske.' In all that is to be for your welfare, I'll put my foot against yours. I am sure you will be true to the life you saved."

"Before God, I will, Aske. Thou shalt be my son and my younger brother, and the man that touches thee to harm thee will hev to answer for it to Jonathan Burley."

"I will have the proper papers made out as