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power, or any undue exercise of authority, by the master over the slave — holding it to be an unwavering, uncompromising truth, that a fearful retribution is in reservation for all the violators of the wisely-established decrees of God, in this respect. There are certain obligations and duties which every master owes to his slave, that are as binding and indispensable as are the duties and obligations which be owes to his God, his country, or himself. These discharged, in accordance with the will of high Heaven, and the mere fact of being a slaveholder will not, in our humble judgment, debar a man from an entrance into that "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

Our individual views on the subject of a national system of colonization, as applicable to the free black population of the United States, may be regarded, at first sight, perhaps, as somewhat novel, and wanting in the essential qualities of age and precedent, or experience; but the reader may rest assured, that they have been submitted to the inspection of many of our prominent citizens and leading statesmen, and have received their unqualified approval, without exception. The existence of free blacks in any community, whether free or slave, is universally admitted to be an evil of no minor consideration. Their removal, therefore, is a matter deeply affecting the interests and well-being of both races. Their present number and natural increase, places this beyond the reach of individual enterprise. The resources of the general government must, therefore, be brought