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into requisition in the removal of this, as well as any other evil of a general or national character. How this may be done in this case, in a manner harmonizing with the true interests of both races, is a theme certainly not unworthy the candid consideration of any American citizen.

In the work of Mr. Priest, on the subject of "Slavery, as it relates to the Negro, or African Race, Examined in the Light of Circumstances, History, and the Holy Scriptures; with an Account of the Black Man's Color, Causes of his State of Servitude, and Traces of his Character, as well in Ancient as in Modern Times, with Strictures on Abolitionism," the reader may confidently expect to find a work of great research and ability — one of deep interest, and well worthy his candid perusal. The author has sought, in the oracles of God, in authentic history, and in the analogies of nature, the key to the mystery of the degradation, through the unchronicled ages of the past, of the negro race. The fact of the inferiority and consequent subordination of the black race to the white, being in accordance with the will of the Supreme Ruler of the universe, is not like a mathematical problem, susceptible of absolute demonstration; yet we think the readers of this work will acknowledge that the author has let in a flood of light upon this deeply interesting subject, through the mist in which ignorance and misguided sympathy has enveloped it. Himself a Northern man, prejudiced, as he admits, in his early