Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/71

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treasure, which Vidyarnya bestowed on a stepherd of the name of Harihara, who afterwards became founder of Vidyanagar, and sovereign of the city. When he was about sixty years of age, he composed fifteen kinds of theological works, and called them Panchadasi, which he taught to numerous scholars, he also wrote a commentary on the text of Parasara, and called it "Parasara Madhaviam." This work was compiled for the use of Bokaroya. For that monarch, Vidyaranya, also wrote a work entitled Vidyaranya Kalagnana, which was a prophecy of the revolutions of the kingdom, and the deeds of the various sovereigns which ruled over it, till the subjugation of the country, by the Mahomedans.

Harihara having been much obligated to Vidyaranya, and admiring his talents and worth chose him as his prime minister, and intrusted all the affairs of state to him. His leasure hours Vidyaranya devoted to the instruction of several students. By the good management of this minister Harihara enjoyed great prosperity, and had his dominious extended on all sides. Vidyaranya, after some time, made a tour round several holy