Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/146

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g. Darker, the back, etc., raw-umber brown, the chest mouse gray. (British Honduras)

Formicarius moniliger intermedius (p. 121).

gg. Paler, the back, etc., light olive-brown (or between broccoli brown and isabella color), the chest drab-gray. (Yucatan.)

Formicarius moniliger pallidus (p. 121).

ee. No rusty or cinnamomeous collar across foreneck. (Eastern Costa Rica and eastern Nicaragua)

Formicarius moniliger umbrosus (p. 122).

dd. Under tail-coverts wholly, or for much the greater part, rusty, tawny, or cinnamomeous.
e. Forehead lighter and more rufescent or cinnamomeous brown than crown.
f. Larger (wing averaging 93.5 in adult male, 91 in adult female); color of under parts more slaty, the under tail-coverts darker rusty. (South-western Costa Rica and western Panamá.)

Formicarius moniliger hoffmanni (p. 123).

ff. Smaller (wing averaging 87 in adult male, 86.9 in adult female); color of under parts more brownish or more strongly suffused with olive or buffy, the under tail-coverts paler, more tawny. (Eastern Panamá.)

Formicarius moniliger panamensis (p. 124).

ee. Forehead concolor with crown (not more rufescent or cinnamomeous).
f. White loral spot small, sometimes obsolete; under parts nearly uniform deep brownish gray; under tail-coverts rufous-tawny. (Trinidád, Venezuela, and adjacent coast district of Colombia.)

Formicarius moniliger saturatus (extralimital).[1]

ff. White loral spot large, conspicuous; under parts clear brownish gray, fading into nearly white on lower abdomen; under tail-coverts clear tawny. (British Guiana.)

Formicarius moniliger crissalis (extralimital).[2]

bb. Chest chestnut or rufous-tawny.
c. Pileum rusty brown or chestnut. (Western Panamá to eastern Costa Rica; northwestern Colombia?)

Formicarius rufipectus (p. 125).

cc. Pileum black. (Eastern Ecuadór.)

Formicarius thoracicus (extralimital).[3]



Adult male. — Head, all round, and chest uniform sooty black, this gradually passing through sooty blackish slate on upper breast into brownish slate-gray on abdomen, where (in fresh plumage) the feathers are margined terminally with dull buffy whitish; sides and flanks similar in color to breast, but faintly tinged with olive; hindneck,

sides of neck and general color of upper parts plain dark vandyke

  1. Formicarius saturatus Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, no. 961, Nov. 28, 1893, 677 (Princestown, Trinidád; coll. Am. Mus. N. H.). — Formicarius analis saturatus Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., vi, Feb. 16, 1894, 53 (Trinidad). — Formicarius hoffmanni saturatus Hellmayr, Novit. Zool., xiii, 1906, 33 (Trinidád; crit.).
  2. Myrmornis crissalis Cabanis, Journ. fiir Orn., Mar., 1861, 96, in text (Roraima, Brit. Guiana). — Formicarius crissalis Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, 576 (Pará); Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, 1893, 676 (monogr.). — F[ormicarius] a[nalis] crissalis Hellmayr, Novit. Zool., xiv, Nov., 1907, 392 (geog. range).
  3. Formicarius thoracicus Taczanowski and Berlepsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885, 101 (Machay, o. Ecuadór; coll. Branicki Mus.); Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 301, footnote; Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, 1893, 685 (monogr.).