Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/147

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brown, or approaching seal brown, the upper tail-coverts seal brown or dark chocolate; tail blackish brown or brownish black; shorter under tail-coverts light rufous-chestnut or chestnut-tawny, the longer ones sooty black; under wing-coverts blackish at tip (broadly) and base, ochraceous in middle portion, the axillars similarly marked, but middle portion buff instead of ochraceous; inner webs of remiges crossed near base by a broad but not sharply defined band of dull ochraceous; bill black; legs and feet dusky horn color (in dried skins); length (skin), 168-175 (171); wing, 90.5-94 (92.3); tail, 49-51.5 (50.3); culmen, 23-24.5 (23.7); tarsus, 32; middle toe, 20.5-21 (20.7).[1]

Adult female. — Similar to the adult male, and probably not always distinguishable, but usually(?) with color of under parts of body slightly tinged with olive, the sides and flanks strongly olivaceous; length (skins), 163.5-164 (163.7); wing, 90-93.5 (91.7); tail, 48.5- 49.5 (49); culmen, 24-25.5 (24.7); tarsus, 30-31.5 (30.7); middle toe, 21.[1]

Costa Rica (Tucurríqui; Carrillo; Cariblanco de Sarapiquí; Cerro de Santa Maria; Buena Vista) and western Panamá (Santiago de Verágua).

Formicarius analis (not Myothera analis Lafresnaye) Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, 74, part (Tucurríqui, Costa Rica; Verágua, Panamá); 1867, 145 (Santa Fe de Verágua, Panamá; crit.). — Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. N. Y., ix, 1868, 110 (Costa Rica; crit.). — Frantzius, Journ. für Orn., 1869, 306 (Costa Rica). — Zeledón, Anal. Mus. Nac. Costa Rica, i, 1887, 115 (Costa Rica). — Salvin and {[sc|Godman}}, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1892, 235, part (Tucurríqui, Costa Rica; Santiago de Verágua, Panamá).
[Formicarius] analis Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 75, part.
Formicarius nigricapillus "Cherrie" Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, no. 961, Nov. 28, 1893, 675 (Buena Vista, Costa Rica; coll. U. S. Nat. Mus.).— Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., vi, 1910, 623 (Carrillo, Cariblanco de Sarapiquí, and Cerro de Santa Maria, Costa Rica).
[Formicarius] nigricapillus Sharpe, Hand-list, iii, 1901, 38, part (Costa Rica; Panamá).
Formicarius analis nigricapillus Hartert, Novit. ZooL, ix, Dec, 1902, 614 (Cariblanco de Sarapiquí, Costa Rica; crit.).



Adults (sexes alike). — Pileum dull black, the feathers broadly tipped or terminally margined with prouts brown, this often the prevailing color (the black being mostly concealed); rest of upper parts plain mummy brown, more castaneous (vandyke brown) on lower rump, upper tail-coverts, and hindneck; tail darker and duller brown basally, passing into dull slate-blackish terminally; loral

and suborbital regions, anterior half of auricular region, malar region,

  1. 1.0 1.1 Two specimens, from Costa Rica.