Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/505

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Eulampis chlorolaemus Gould, Mon. Troch., pt. xiv, 1857 (vol. ii, 1861), pl. 84 (locality unknown;[1] coll. J. Gould); Introd. Troch., oct. ed., 1861, 68 ("St. Thomas;" "St. Croix"). — Boucard, The Hum. Bird, i, 1891, 25 ("Trinidad," i. e., Tobago?; descr.; crit.).
[Anthracothorax. γ. Sericotes] chlorolaimus Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colibr., 1854, II (nomen nudum).
[Anthracothorax] chlorolaimus {[sc|Reichenbach}}, Troch. Enum., ,1855, 9 (nomen nudum).
[Polytmus] chlorolæmus Gray, Hand-list, i, 1869, 130, no. 1650.
Sericotes chlorolæmus Boucard, Gen. Hum. Birds, 1895, 337 (Grenada).
S[ericotes] chlorolaemus Hartert, Das Tierreich, Troch., 1900, 103.
[Sericotes] chlorolæmus Sharpe, Hand-list, ii, 1900, 120.
C[?] chlorolaemus Hartert, Novit. Zool., v, 1898, 520 (crit.; Grenada).
Eulampis longirostris Gould, Introd. Troch., oct. ed., 1861, 69 (locality unknown; coll. J. Gould).
[Polytmus] longirostris Gray, Hand-list, i, 1869, 130, no. 1651.
Sericotes longirostris {[sc|Eudes-Deslongchamps}}, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Caen, i, 1880, 186.
[Eulampis] longirostris Hartert, Novit. Zool., v, 1898, 520 (crit.).
[Eulampis] holosericeus Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 81, part.
Eulampis holosericeus (not Trochilus holosericeus Linnæus) Lawrence, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., i, 1879, 272 (Grenada), 487, part (Grenada). — Wells, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., ix, 1887, 619 (Grenada; descr. nest and eggs). — Cory, Cat. West Ind. Birds, 1892, 13, 106, 155, part (Grenada). — Lodge, Ibis, 1896, 519 (Grenada).
Sericotes holosericeus Clark (A. H.), Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., xxxii, 1905, 274, part (Grenada; crit.).

Genus EULAMPIS Boie.

Eulampis Boie, Isis, 1831, 547. (Type, Trochilus jugularis Linnæus.)
Culampis (typographical error?) Lesson, Ind. Gen. Troch., 1832, p. vii.

Rather large Trochilidæ (length about 115-125 mm.); upper parts and under parts of body velvety black, tail-coverts bright metallic bluish green, wings bright metallic bronze-green, and throat and chest soft metallic reddish purple.

Bill longer than head, rather stout, strongly decurved, nearly terete, but decidedly broader than deep basally; culmen rounded but basally contracted into a narrow ridge; terminal portion of maxillary tomium minutely serrate; mandible with a distinct lateral median broad groove or sulcus. Nasal operculum narrow, hidden by dense frontal feathering, the latter extending to or slightly beyond anterior end of nostril, forming a distinct point or antia on each side of mesorhinium. Tarsus stout, densely feathered, except lower and posterior portions; lateral toes equal in length, decidedly shorter than middle toe, the hallux as long as lateral toes or very slightly shorter. Wing more than three times as long as exposed culmen, the outer- most primary longest. Tail about half as long as wing, emarginate, the rectrices very broad, with broadly rounded tip, the lateral ones strongly incurved; upper tail-coverts very large and broad.

  1. A specimen said to be from the Island of Nevis is mentioned in the text, but the locality is certainly erroneous.