Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1010

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RECTORIAL TITHES. Great or predial tithes.

RECTORY. An entire parish church, with all its rights, glebes, tithes, and other profits whatsoever; otherwise commonly called a "benefice." See Gibson v. Brockway, 8 N. H. 470, 31 Am. Dec. 200; Pawlet v. Clark, 9 Cranch, 326, 3 L. Ed. 735.

A rector's manse, or parsonage house. Spelman.

RECTUM. Lat. Right; also a trial or accusition. Bract.; Cowell.

—Rectum ease. To be right in court.—Rectum rogers. To ask for right: to petition the judge to do right.—Rectum, stare ad. To stand trial or abide by the sentence of the court.

RECTUS IN CURIA. Lat. Right in court. The condition of one who stands at the bar, against whom no one objects any offense. When a person outlawed has reversed his outlawry, so that he can have the benefit of the law, he is said to be "rectua in curia." Jacob.

RECUPERATIO. Lat. In old English Law. itecoiery; restitution by the sentence of a Judge of a thing that has been wrongfully taken or detained Go. Litt. 154a.

Recupeartio, i. e., mi rem, per injuriam extortam sive detentum, per sententum judicis restituto. Co. Litt. 154a. Recovery, i. e., restitution by sentence of a judge of a thing wrongfully extorted or detained.

Reuuperatio est alicjus rel in causam, alterius addnctæ per judicem acquisitio. Co. Litt. 154a. Recovery is the acquisition by sentence of a judge of anything brought into the cause of another.

RECUPERATORES. In Roman law. A species of judges first appointed to decide controversies between Roman citizens and strangers concerning rights requiring speedy remedy, but whose jurisdiction was gradually extended to questions which might be brought before ordinary judges. Mackeld. Rom. Law. § 204.

Reccurendum est ad extraordinarium quando non valet ordinarium. We must have recourse to what is extraordinary, when what is ordinary fails.

RECUSANTS. In English law. Persons who willfully absent themselves from their parish church, and on whom penalties were imposed by various statutes passed during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Wharton.

Those persons who separate from the church established by law. Termes de la Ley. The term was practically restricted to Roman Catholics.

RECUSATIO TESTIS. Lat. In the civil law. Rejection of a vsltuess, on the ground of incompetency. Best, Ev. Introd. 60, § 60.

RECUSATION. In the civil law. A species of exception or plea to the jurisdiction, to the effect that the particular judge is disqualified from hearing the cause by reason of interst or prejudice. Poth Proc Clvlie, pt. 1, c. 2, § 5.

The challenge of jurors. Code Prac. Ln. arts. 499, 500. An act, of what nature so- ever it may he, by which a strange heir, by deeds or words, declares he will not be heir. Dig. 29, 2, 95.

RED, RAED, or REDE. Sax. Advice: counsel.

RED BOOK OF THE EXCHEQUER. An ancient record, wherein are registered the holders of lands per baroniam in the time of Henry II., the number of hides of land in certain counties before the Conquest and the ceremonies on the coronation of Eleanor, wife of Henry III. Jacob; Cowell.

RED-HANDED. With the marks of crime fresh on him.

RED TAPE. In a derivative sense. order carried to fastidious excess; system run out into trivial extremes. Webster v. Thompson, 55 Ga. 434.

REDDENIIO SINGULA SINGULIS. Lat. By referring each to each; referring each phrase or expression to its appropriate object. A ride of construction.

REDDENDUM. bat. in conveyancing. Rendering; yielding The technical name of that clause in a conveyance by which the grantor creates or reserves some new thing to himself, out of what he had before manted; as "rendenring" therefor yearly the sum of ten shillings, or a pepper-corn," etc. That clause in a lease in which a rent is reserved to the lessor, and which commences with the word "yielding." 2 Bl. Comm. 299.

REDDENS CAUSAM SCIENTIÆ. Lat Giving the reason of his knowledge

In Scotch practice. A formal phrase used in depositions, preceding the statement of the reason of the witness’ knowledge. 2 How. State Tr. 715.

Reddere, nil aliud est quam aceeptum restituere; seu, reddere est quasi retro dare, et redditur dicltur a redeundo, quiz retro it. Co. Litt 142. To render is nothing more than to restore that which has been received; or, to render is as it were to give back, and it is called "rendering" from "returning," because it goes back again.