Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1011

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REDDIDIT SE. Lat. He has rendered himself.

In old English practice. A term applied to a principal who had rendered him- self in discharge of his bail. Ilolthonse.

REDDITARIUS. renter; a tenant.

In old records. A Cowell.

In old records. A Cowell.

BEDDITARIUM. rental, or rent-roll.

BI-IDDITION. A surrendering or restoring; also a judicial acknowledgment that the thing in demand belongs to the demand- nm, and not to the person surrendering Cowell.

RED]-JEM. To buy back. To liberate an estate or article from mortgage or pledge by paying the debt for which it stood as secu- rity. To repurchase in a literal sense; as. to redeem one's land from a tax-sale. See Max- well v. Foster, 67 S. C. 377. 45 S. E. 927; .\Iliier v. Ratterman, 47 Ohio St. 14]. 24 N. ii 496: Swearingen v. Roberts, 12 Nob. 333, 11 N. W. 325: Pace v. Bartics, 47 N. .1. Eq. 170, 20 ALL 352.

BEDEEMABLE. 1. Suhject to an oblimtlou of redemption; embodying, or conditioned upon, a promise or obligation of redemption; convertible into coin; as, a "re deemable currency." See U. S. v. North Carolina. 136 U. S. 211, 10 Sup. Ct. 920, 34 L. Ed. 336.

2. Subject to redemption; admitting of redemption or repurch use; given or held under conditions admitting of rear-qnisition by purchase; as, a "redeemable pledge."

—Redeemable rights. Rights which return to the convfiyor or disposer of land. etc.. upon payment of the sum for which such rights are granted. Jacob.

REDELIVERY. lng back at a thing.

—R2del.ivery hand. A bond given to A sherifi or other officer, who has attached or leiied on personal property. to obtain the re- lease and repossession of the property. conditioned to redcliver the property to the officer or pay him its Value in case the levy or attach- ment is adjudged good. See Drake v. Sworts, 24 Or. 19S. 33 Pac. 563.

A yielding and deliver-

REDEIVHSE . mlsed or leased.

A regranting of land de-

REDEMPTIO OP]-IRIS. Lat. In Ro- man 1:1".:1 contract for the hiring or letting of services, or for the performance of A certain work in consideration of the pay- ment of a stipulated price. It is the some contract as "iocutio opcris," but regarded from the standpoint of the one who is to do the work, and who is called "redcmptor ope:-i.i" while the hirer is called "loroior ' See Mackeid. Rom. Law, 5 408.

REDEMPTION. A repurchase: a buying back. The act of a vendor of property in buying it back again from the purchaser at the same or an enhanced price.

The right of redemption is an agreement _or p-xction, by vihich the vendor rescnes to him self the power of taking back the thing sold lay returning the price paid for it. Civil Code La. art. 2543?.

The process of annulling and revoking a conditional sale of property, by performance of the conditions on Wl]lCll it was stipulated to be revocable.

The process of cancelling and annnlllng a defensible title to land, such as is created by a mortgage or a tax-sale, by paying the debt or fulfilling the other conditions.

The liberation of a chattel from pledge or pawn, by paying the debt for which it stood as security.

Repurchase of notes. bills, or other evi-

dences of debt. (partiuilnrly bunk-notes and paper-money.) by paying their value in coin to their holders. —R-zdemption, equity of. See EQUITY or R.EurMr>TIoN.—B.edemption of land-tax. In English law. The payment by the land- owner of such a lump sum as shall exempt his land from the land-tnx. Mozley & V\-'hitiey. —Voluntary redemption, in Scotch law. is when a mortgagee remixes the sum dne into his own hands, and discharges the mortgage. without any consxgnation. Bell.

REDEMPTIONES. In old lihngllsh law. Heavy fines. Distinguished from misericordia. (Which see.)

REDEUNDO. turning; while returning.

Lat. Returning; in re- 2 Strange. 9&5.

REDEVANCE. In aid French and Cana- dian law. Dues payable by a tenant to his lord. not necessarily in money.

REDHIBERE. Lat. In the civil law. To have again; to have back: to cause a sell- er to have again what he had before.

REDHEBITION. In the civil law. The avoidance of a sale on account of some Vice or defect in the thing sold, which renders it either absolutely useless or its use so inconvenient and imperfect that it must be supposed that the buyer would not have purchased it had he known of the Vice. Civ. Code La. art. 2520.

REDHEBITORY ACTION. In the civil law. An action for redhiinition. An action to avoid a sale on account of some nice or defect in the thing sold, which renders its nse impossible, or so inconvenient and Lin- pertcct that it must be supposed the buver would not have purchased it had be known of the Vice. Civ. Code La. art. 2520.

REDHIBITORY DEFECT (or VICE.) In the civil law. A defect in an article sold, for which the seller may be compelled to