Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1065

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SATISFIED TERM. A term of years in land is thus called when the purpose for which it was created has been satisfied or executed before the expiration of the set pe- rlod.

—Satisfled. terms not. The statute 8 8; 9 Via. c. 112. passed to abolish satisfied outstanding terms of years in land. By this act, terms which shall henceforth become attendant upon (lie inheritance, either by express declaration or construction of law, are to cease and determine. 'lhis. in effect, abolishes outstanding teruis. 1

Staph. Comm. ' 332; Williams, Rea] Prop. pt. -1, c. 1. SATISFY, in technical use, generally

means to comply actually and fully with a demand; to extinguish, by payment or perfiirniance.

Satius est petere fontes quam sectari rivulos. Lofft, 006. It is better to seek the source than to follow the streamlets.

SATURDAY’S STOP. In old English law. A space of time from even-song on Saturday till sun-rising on Monday, in which it was not lawful to take salmon in Scotland and the northern parts of England. Cowell.

SAUNKETFIN. are of the direct line in successions. niau; Cowell.


L. Fr. End of blood; fail- Spel-

L. Fr. Vvild al.1u:uz\.lS.

SAUVEMENT. L. Fr. merit gm-tics. safely kept

Safely. Sumac- Brltt. C. 87.

SAVE. To except, reserve, or exempt; as where a statute "saves" vested rights. To toil, or suspend the running or operation of; as to "sai'e" the statute of limitations.

SAVER DEFAULT. ilsh practice. To excuse a default. de la Ley

L. Fr. In old Eng- Termes

SAVING CLAUSE. A saving clause i_ii a statute is an exception of a special thing out of the general things mentioned in the statute; it is ordinarily .1 restriction in a repeal- hig act, which is intended to save rights, pending proceedings, penalties, etc., from the annihilation which would result from an un- restricted repeal. State v. St. Louis, 174 M0. 125, 73 S. W. 623, 61 L. R. A. 593; Clark ’l'hre:id Co. v. Kearney Tp., 55 N. J. Law, .50, 25 AU. 327.

SAVING THE STATUTE OF LIMITA. TIONS. A creditor is said to "save the statute of limitations" when he saves or preserves his debt from being barred by the operation of the statute. Thus. in the case of a simple contract debt, if a creditor conimence an action for its recovery within six years from the time when the cause of action accrued. he will be in time to save the statute. Brown.

SAVINGS BANK. See BANK. Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—7

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SAVOUR. To partake the nature of: to bear aflinity to.

SAVOY. One of the old privileged places, or sanctuaries. 4 Steph. Coniui. 227:1.

SAXON LAGE. Saxons. C-owell.

The laws of the West

SAY ABOUT. This phrase, like "more or less," is frequently introduceti into con- veyances or contiacts of sale, to indicate that the quantity of the subject-matter is uncertain, and is only estiinated, and to guard the vendor against the implication or having warranted the quantity.

SAYER. In Hindu law. Variable ira- posts distinct from land, rents, or reienues; consisting of customs, toils, licenses, duties on goods; also taxes on houses, shops, ha-

zaars, etc. Wharton.

SC. An abbreviation for "rc~ilicet." that is to say.

SCABINI. In old European law. The

judges or assessors of the judges in the court held by the count. Assistants or associates of the count; officers under the count. The pernianent selected judges of the Franks. Judges among the Geinians, Franks, and Loi.ubnrd.s, who vieie held in peculiar esteem. Spelnian.

SCACCARIUM. A chequered cloth reseuiliiing a chess-board which covered the table in the excheguer, and on \\LIit.h, when certain of the king's accounts were made up, the sums were marked and scored with counters. Hence the court of exchequer, or cumin. sonccarii, derived its name. 3 Bl. Comm. 4-l.

SCALAM. At the scale; the old way of paying money into the excheqner. Cowell.

SCALE. In early American law. To ad- just, graduate, or value according to a scale. Walden v. Payne, 2 Wash. (Va.) 5, G.

SCAMNUM CADUCUM. In old records, the cucking-stool, (q. 1;.) Cowell.

SCANDAL. Defamatory reports or ru- mors: nsperslon or slanderous talk, uttered recklessly or maliciously.

In pleading. "Scandal consists in the allegation of anything which is unbecoming the dignity of the court to hear, or is Contrary to good manners, or vidiich charges some person with a crime not necessary to lie shown in the cans to which may lie nddell that any unnet iry allegation hear ing cruelly upon the nioiai character of an individual, is also scandalous" Danlell, Ch. Pr. 290. And see l\lcNuit_v v. Wlesen (D. G.) 130 Fed. 1013; Kelley v. Boettcher, 85 Fed