Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1066

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58, 29 C. C. A. 14; Bnrden v. Burden (C. C.) 124 Fed. 255.


In equity

SCANDALUM MAGNATUM. In English law. Scandal or slander of great men or nobles. Words spoken in derogation of a

peer, a judge, or other grait officer or the lC.ill.i), for which an action lies, though it is now rarely resorted to. 3 Bl. Comm. 123; 3 Staph. Comm. 473. This offense has not existed in America since the formation of the United states. State v. shepherd, 177 M0. 205, 76 S. W. 79, 99 Am. St. Rep. 624.

SCAPELLARE. In old European law. To chop; to chip or haggle. Spelman.

SCAPHA. IAit. In Roman law. a lighter. A ship's boat.

A boat;

SCAVAGE, SCI-IEVAGE, SCHEWAGE, or SHEWAG1-2. A kind of toli or custom, exacted by mayors, sheriffs, etc., of mer- chant strangers, for wares showed or offered for sale within their liberties. Prohibited by 19 Hen. Vii. c. 7. Cowell.

SCAVALDUS. the scavnge money.

The oincer who collected Cowell.

SC]-:A'1'1‘A. A Saxon coin or less denomination than a shilling. Spelman.

SCEPPA SALIS. An ancient measure of suit, the quantity or which is now not _known. Wharton.

SCHAR-PENNY, SCHARN-PENNY, or SCI-IORNJ-‘ENNY. A small duty or compensation. Cowell.

SCHEDULE. A sheet of paper or parch- ment annexed to a statute, deed, answer in equity. deposition, or other instrument, ex- hibiting in detail the mutters mentioned or referred to in the principal document.

A list or i.n\ entory; the paper containing pin inventory.

In practice. When an indictment is returned from an inferior court in obedience to a writ of ccrtiaruri, the statement of the previous proceedings sent with it is termed the "schedule." 1 Sound. 30011, 11. 2.

In constitutional law. A schedule is I statement annexed to a constitution newly adopted by a state, in which are described at length the particulars in which it dlflers from the former constitution, or which contains provisions for the ndjustment of mattern affected by the change from the old to the new constitution.

SCHEME. In English law, a scheme is a document containing provisions for regulat-

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ing the management or distribution of prop- erty, or for making an arrangement between persons hnvlng conflictlng rights. Thus, in the practice of the chancery dhlslon, where the execution of a charitable trust in the manner directed by the founder ls dlflicult or impracticable, or requires supervision, ii scheme for the management of the charity will be settled by the court. Tud. Char Trusts, 257; Hnnt, Eq. 248; Danlell, Ch. 1-‘: 1765.

SCHETES. Usury. Cowell.

SCI-HR]-IMAN. In Saxon law. An ot- ficer having the civil government of II elure, or county; an earl 1 Bl. Comm. 398.

SCHIRRENS-GELD. In Saxon law. A tax paid to sherilfs for keeping the shire or county court. Cowell.

SCHISM. In ecclesiastical law. A divi- sion or separation in a church or denomination of Christians, occasioned by a diversity of faith, creed, or religious opinions. Nelson v. Benson, 69 Ill. 29: McKinney v. Griggs, 5 Rush (Ky.) 407, 96 Am. Dec. 360.

—Scl1isni-‘bill. In English law. The name of an act passed in the reign of Queen Anne, which restrained Protestant dissenters from educating their own children, and forbade nil tutors nnd schoolmaster-s to be present at any comenticle or dissenting place of worship. The qusen died on the day when this act was to have taken effect, (August 1, 1714,) and it was repealed In the fifth year of Geo. I. Wharton.

SCHOOL. An institution or learning of a lower grade, below a college or a university. A place of primary instruction. The term generally refers to the common or pub- lic schools, maintained at the expense or the public. See American Asylum v. Phmnlx Bank, 4 Conn. 177, 10 Am. Dec 112; In re Sanders, 53 Kan. 191, 36 Pnc. 348, 23 L. R. A. 603; Com. v. Banks, 198 Pa. 397, 48 Atl. 277.

—Common schools. Stthools maintatned at the public expense and administered by a bureau of the state, district, or municipal government. for the gratuitous education of the children of all citizens without distinction. Jenkins v. Andover, 103 Bins. 98: People v. Board of Edcnation, 13 Barb. (N. Y.) 410; Le Coiiltculs v. Buffalo, 33 N. Y. 387: Roach v. Board of Di- rectors, 7 Mo. App. 5l‘:7.—Distr-ic-t school. A common or public school for the education at public expense of the children residing within

1 given district; a public school maintained hy

a "school district." See infra.—Hig]i school. A school in which higher branches of learning are taught than in the common schools. 1‘?

Mass. 306. school in which such instruction is given as will prepare the students to enter a college or university. Attorney General v. But- ler, 12% Mass 306: State v. School Dist, 31 l\'ch. 5152, 48 W. 393; \\-'hitlocli v. State, 30 Nab. 815, 47 l\. W. 28-1.--Norinal school. A training school for teachers: one in which instruction is given in the theory and practice of teaching; particularly. in the system of schools genentlly established throughout the United States, a school fior the training and instruction of those who are already teachers In the public schools or those who desire and expect