Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1268

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Dart, Vend.

Dart, Vend. Dart on Vendors and Pur- chnsers.

Dan. Dnsent's Bankruptcy and Insolven-

cy Reports;—()o1nmon Law Reports, vol. 3. Dass. Dig. D:issler's Kansas Digest. Danph.Co.B.ep. Dauphin County Re-

0 porter, I'cnusy1Vania. Dav. Duveis United States District Court

Reports (now republished as 2 W:1re);~

Dnvy‘s or Davies’ Irish King's Bench and

Exchequer Reports;—Davles’ English Pat-

Pent Cases;-—Davis' Reports (Abridgment of

Sir Edward Coke's Reporl's);—Davis' Re-

ports, vol. 2 Hawaii,=~Davis' United States

Supreme Court Reports.

Dav. Coke. Davis’ Ahridgment or Coke‘:


Dnv.Conrr. Davidson’s Conveyancing. Dav. Dig. Davis‘ Indiana Digest. Dav. Ir. Davies’ Irish Repurte.

Dav. Ir. K. )3. Davies‘ Reports, Irish Kings Bench.

Dav.Pat. Car. Davies’ English Patent Cases.

Dav. Pree. Conv. Davidson's Precedent: in Conveyancing.

Dav. Rep. Davies’ (Sir John) Reports, King's Bench, Ireland

Dav.& Mar. Davison G: l\Ierivale’s Re ports, Queen's Bench.

Daveis. Daveis' United States District Court Reports (republished as 2 Ware).

Davidson. Dav1dson’a Reports, vois. 92- 111 North Carolina. Davies. Davies’ (or Davis’ or Darya‘)

lrish King's Bench Reports.

Davis. Davis‘ Hawaiian Rcports;—Da- vies’ (or Dnvys') Irish King's Bench Reports: —Davis' Reports, vols. 108-176 United States Supreme Court.

Davis (J. 0.13.). Davis’ United States Supreme Court Reports.

Davin, Bldg. Soc. Davis’ Law or Building Societies.

Day. Day's Connecticut Reports;—Connecticut Reports, proper, reported by Dey.

Dayt. Term Rep. Dayton Term Reports, Dayton. Ohio.

Dea. DeaM's United States District Conrt

w Reports.

Dea. & Chit. Deacon dz Chitty’s English Bankruptcy Reports.

Dea.& Sw. Deane dz Svrahey’s Reports, Probate and Dimrce.

Deac. Deucon’s English Bankruptcy Re- X ports. Dea.c.& C. Deacon dz Chitty’s English

Bankruptcy Reports.

Deatly. Deatiy's United States Circuit Reports.

Deane. Deane (& Swahey’s) English Pro- hnte and Divorce Rcports;—Denne’s Reports vols. 24—26 Vermont.

Deane Bee. Rep. Deane & Sw.-1hey’s English Ecclesiastical Reports

Deane & Sw. Deane & Swabey‘s English

Z Ecclesiastical Reports.




Dears. U. 0. Cases.

Dears. & B. C. C. lish Crown Cases.

Dea: & And. Dens & Anderson's Re ports, Scotch court of Session.

Dec. Com. Pat. Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents.

Dec. Dig. American Digest, Decennial Edition.

Dec. 0. Ohio Decisions.

Dee. t. H. & M. Decisions of Admimiiy tempore Hay and Marriott.

Decen. Dig. American Digest. Decennial Edition.

De G. F. & J. De Gex, Fisher, & Jones English Chancery Reports.

De G. F.& J.By. De Ga, Fisher, & Jones‘ English Bankruptcy Appeals.

De G. J. & S. De Gox, Jones. J: Smith’a English Chancery Reports.

De G. J. &: 5. By. De Gex. Jones, & Smith's English Bankruptcy Appeals.

De G. M. & G. De Gex, Macuaghteu, an Gordon's English Bankruptcy Reports ;—De Gex. Macnnghten, an Gordon's English Chacnery Reports.

Do G. M. & G. By. De Gex, Mncnnghten, 5; Gordon's English Bankruptcy Appeals.

De G.& J. De Gex & Jones‘ English Chancery Reports.

De G. & J. By. De Gex J: Jones‘ English Bankruptcy Appeals.

De G.& Sm. fie Gex dz Smale's Eng- i.ish Chancery Reports

De Gex. De Gox's English Bankruptcy Reports.

De Gex. M. & G. De Gex, Macnaghten an Gordon's Reports, English.

De Hm-t,Mi.1.I.a.w. De Hart on Mili-

Dearsiy"s English Crown

Danrsley & Bell's Eng

tnry Law

De Jan Mar. iiIalloy‘s De Jure Muritimo.

Del. Dela" are :—Delaware Reports :—De

lane's English Revision Cases.

Del. Ch. Delaware Chancery Reports, hy Bntcs.

Dc]. Co. Delaware County Reports, Pennsylvania.

Del. Or. can. Delaware Criminal Cases, by Houston.

Del. El. Can. (Revision) Cases.

Delelmnty. Miscellaneous Reports, New York

De Lolme. Eng. Cnnst. De Lolrne on the English Constitution

Dem. Sn:-1'. Dem-.irest's Surrogate Reports. City of New York.

Demol. Denioioxni:e's Code Napoleon.

Den. Deuio’s New York Reports:—Denis' Reports, vol. 32 Louisiana Annual;——Denied.

Delane's English Election

Den. C.C. Denison'a English Crown Cases. Dan.& P. Denlson & Pearce’s English

Crown Cases, voL 2 Denison.

Deni». Denio's New York Reports.