Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1269

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Denis. Denis’ Reports, vols. 32-46 Lon- isiana.

Deni. Denslow's Notes in second edition, vols. 1-3 Michigan Reports.

De Ox-nt. Clrero, De Oratore.

Des. Desaussure's South Carolina Eq- uity Reports.

Deanna. Eq. Equity Reports.

Dent. Cal. Dig. gest.

Dev. Dex ereux's North Carolina Law Re ports;-Devereux's Reports, United States Court of Claims.

Dev. 0. C. Devereux's Reports United States Court of Claims.

Dev. Ct. 01. Devereux's Reports. United States Court of Claims.

Dev.Eq. Devereux’n North Carolina Equity.

Dev. L. Reports.

Dev.&Bst. Devereux dz Battle's North Carolina Law Reports.

Dev.&Bnt.Eq. Devereux 6: Battle’: North Carolina Equity Reports.

Dew. Dewey's Reports, vols. 60-61 Kansas;—-Dewey’s Kansas Court of Appeals Re

Desaussnre's South Carolina

Desty's California Di-

Devereux’s North Carolina Law


Dewitt. De Wittfs Reports, vols. 24-42 Ohio State.

Di. (or Dy.). King's Beudl.

Dice. Dlre’s Reports, vols. 79-91 Indiana.

Dicey, Count. Dicey, Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Law or the English Constitution

Dick. Dickens’ English Chancery Re ports;—Dickmson'n Reports, vols 46-58 New Jersey Equity.

Dig. Dngest;—Digest or Justinian;-Db gc-st of Writs.

Dig. Proem. Digest of Justinian, Proem.

Dill. (or Dil.). Dillon's United States Circuit Court Reports.

Dill. Mun. Corp. Dilion on Municipal Corporations.

Di:-1. Dlr1eton's Decisions, Court of Session.

Disn. (or Dis.). Reports. Cincinnati.

Diat.Rep. District Reports.

Duct. &: stud. Doctor and Student.

Dod. (or Dorls.). Dodson‘s English Ad- miralty iiepuits.

Dad. Adm. Do(ison's Reports, English Aclniiralty Courts.

Dom. Book. Domesday Book.

Dyer's mush Reports.

Disney‘s Snperior Court

Dom. P1-oc. Dumus Procerum. In the House of Lords.

Domat. Domat on Civil Law.

Domat Supp. an D1-ocit Public. Dornat,

Les Lois Ciriles, Le Droit Public. etc. Augmcntée des 3*! et 40 livres flu Droit Pnhlic, par M. de Ilerir-ourt, etc.

Domes. Doniesriay Book.

Domesday. Domesday Book.


Dr. & W31.

Donakex-. Donakefs Reporm, vol. 154 Indiann.

Donn. Donneiiy's Reports, English Chacnery;—Donnelly's lrxsh I/and Cases.

Dor. Q. B. (or Do:-ion). Dorion's Quehec Queen's Bench Reports;—(Dec. de la Cour D’Appel).

Dos Passes, Stock-B1-ok. Dos Passes on Stock-Brokers and Stock Exchanges.

Dong. Douglas’ Michigan Reports;— Douglas’ English King's Bench Reports;— Douglas’ English Election Cases.

Dong. (Mich.). Douglas’ Law Reports Michigan.

Doug. B1. C9,. Cases

Dow (or Dow P. (2.). Dow’s House of Lords (Parliamentary) Cases, same ns Dow's Reports :—Dowling‘s English Practice Cases.

Dow N. 5. Dow dz Clan-k’s English House of Lords Cases.

Dow P. 0. Down Parliamentary Cases:—- Douliug‘s English Practice Cases.

Dow&C. Dow S; Clark’: English House of Lords Cases.

Dow. &I.. Dowllng dz Lowndes’ English Ball Court Reports.

Dow. &Ry. Dowiing dz Byland's English Ki_ng’s Bench Reports;— dz Rylnnd‘s English Nlsi Prins Cases

Dow. &: Ry. M. C. Dowilng dz Rylantfs English Magistrates‘ Cases.

Dow. & Ry. N. P. Dowling dz Ryland‘s English Nlsi Prius Cases. (Often bound at end of vol 1 Dowilng & Ryland's King's Bench Reports.)

Dowl. (or Duwl. P. 0.). Dowling's English Bail (‘curt (Practice) Cases.

Douglas’ English Election

Dowl. N. S.'s English B:1.‘Li Court Reports New Series. Dnwl. P. C. Dowiings English Bali

Court (Practice) Cases.

Dowl. Pr. 0. N. S. Do\\;’s New Series, English Practice Cases.

Dowl. & Low-nd. Dowling & Lowndes' English Practice Cases.

Dowl. & R. (or Dowl. & Ryl.). Dowling & Rylaud‘s English King's Bench Reports

Dnwl. & Ryl. M. C. Dowling dz Ryland's English Magistrates’ Cases.

Dnwl. & Ryl. N. P. Dowling & R_\'1nnd's English Nisi Prius Cases.

Down.&Lnd. Doxniton & Ln(ler's English Election Cases.

Dr. Drewry's English Vice Chaucei.lor’s Reports;—Drury’s Irish Chancery Repol ts tem.17o1'e Sug(1en;—Drnry's Irish Chancery Repm ts tcmpore Napier.

Dr. R. t. Nap. Drury‘s Irish Chancery Reports tcmpore Napier.


Dr. R. t. Sug. Drury‘s Irish Chancery Reports tcmpore Sugden. Dr. 8: Sm. Drewry & Snmle's English

Vice Chancellors’ Reports. Dr. & Wal. Drury dz Wa1sh’s Irish Chacnery Reports.
