Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1270

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Dr. & War.

Dr. & War. Drury dz Warron'a Irish Chancery Reports.

Drake, Attnchn). Drake on Attach- ments. Draper. Draper's UIl1\er Canadn King's

Bench Reports, Ontario.

Drew. Dre\u'y's English Vice Chancelinrs' Item-1ts;—l)l'eW’s Reports, vol. 13 Flor- ldu.

Dz-ew. azsm. Drewry dz SnJa1e's English View Cl: inc-elIors' Reports.

D1-ink. Drlukwaters English Common Pleas 1:L-ports.

Drone, Copyr. Drone on Copynghts.

Dru. Urury’s Irlsh Chancery Reports 1.: mporc Sugden.

D:-u. t.Nup. D1-ury's Irish Chancery Re ports tLmpurc l\'n[Jler.

Dru. &Wnl. Drury & Walsh’s Irish (‘h.1n(-er_\ Reports.

Dru. &Wnr. Drnry & Warren’s Irish CLIRiIC'E'l'_\‘ 1:91:-Irts.

D1-:u-y 1:. Eng. Dru.r_v's Irlsh Chancery Rt.» [runs lrmparc Sugden.

Duh. Du him Mr ;—Du.D1Itantc.

Dub. Rev. Dublin Rm iew, Dublin, Ire- laud.

Du Gauge.

Dnd. (Ga.).

Drd. (s. 0.). South Clrullxla.

Dnd. Ch. (or Eq.). linn EqI1li_': R(‘]IOl ts.

Dud. Eq. (5. 0.). Dudley's Equity Reports, South C.-u-ohna.

Dnd. L. (or S. (1.). H1151 Law Reports


Du C:m:._'e‘s Glossurlum. Du(llev's Georgi.-1 Ilrports. Dudley's Law Reports,

Dudley's south Caro-

Dudiey'a South Cura-



Duet. Re1'\nrts.

Dner, Ins. Duct on Insurance.

Dufx-esne. D11fresne's [Law] Glossary.

Dun. Duncan (see Duuc.);—DunLap (sea Dunl.).

Dun. & Cum. markable Trials.

Dunc. Ent. Gas. Cases.

Dunc. N. P. DunconJbe's Nlsl Pr! 3-.

Dungl.Med.Dict. Dungllsou Dizfinn.-u'y of Medical Svience and Literuture

Duer‘s New York Superior Court

Dunphy & Cunnnins' Re-

Duncan'a scotch Enmi]

Dunl.Aln-. I)unlap’s Abrltlgment of Coke's I((']|Ul'tS. Dunl.Adm.]':‘r. Duniop's Admiralty

Practice. Dunlop (Dun1. B. & M.). Dunlap, Bell &

Murm Reports, Second Series, Scotch Session Cuses.

Dunn. Dunnlng's English Kingfs Bench Reports.

Durf. Du1ree's Reports. vol. 12 Rhode Island.

Durie. Durle‘s Scottish Court of Session Cases.

Durn. & E. Durnford & East's English King's Bench Imports (Term Reports).

Dutch. Dut('s New Jersey Reports.

Dnv. Duval.l‘s i{entuI.-ky Rc[IUl'lS;— Du- va1‘s Reports, Canada Supreme Court.

Dnval. Duval's Reports, Canada Supreme Court.

Dwar. St. Dwarris on Statutes.

Dy. (or Dyer). Dyer's English King‘: Bench Reports.