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273; Wilson v. Wilson, 6 N. J. Law, 96; Security Co. v. Graybeal, 85 Iowa, 543, 52 N. W. 497, 39 Am. St. Rep. 311; Colbert v. Piercy, 25 N. C. 80.

BOOM. An inclosure formed upon the surface or a stream or other body of water, by means of piers and a chain of spars, for the purpose of collecting or storing logs or timber. Powers' Appeal, 125 Pa. 175, 17 Atl. 254, 11 Am. St. Rep. 882; Lumber Co. v. Green, 76 Mich. 320, 43 N. W. 576; Gaspar v. Heimbach, 59 Minn. 102, 60 N. W. 1080, Boom Corp. v. Whiting, 29 Me. 123.

BOOM COMPANY. A company formed for the purpose of improving streams for the floating of logs, by means of booms and other contrivances, and for the purpose of running, driving, booming, and rafting logs.

BOOMAGE. A charge on logs for the use of a boom in collecting, storing, or rafting them. Lumber Co. v. Thompson, 83 Miss. 499, 35 South. 828. A right of entry on riparian lands for the purpose of fastening booms and boom sticks. Farrand v. Clarke, 63 Minn. 181, 65 N. W. 361.

BOON DAYS. In English law. Certain days in the year (sometimes called "due days") on which tenants in copyhold were obliged to perform corporal services for the lord. Whishaw.

BOOT, or BOTE. An old Saxon word, equivalent to "estovers."

BOOTING, or BOTING, CORN. Certain rent corn, anciently so called. Cowell.

BOOTY. Property captured from the enemy in war, on land, as distinguished from "prize," which is a capture of such property on the sea. U. S. v. Bales of Cotton, 28 Fed. Cas. 302; Coolidge v. Guthrie, 6 Fed. Cas. 461.

BORD. An old Saxon word, signifying a cottage; a house; a table.

BORDAGE. In old English law. A species of base tenure, by which certain lands (termed "bord lands,") were anciently held in England, the tenants being termed "bordarii;" the service was that of keeping the lord in small provisions.

BORDARIA. A cottage.

BORDARII, or BORDIMANNI. In old English law. Tenants of a less service condition than the villani, who had a bord or cottage, with a small parcel of land, allowed to them, on condition they should supply the lord with poultry and eggs, and other small provisions for his board or entertainment. Spelman.

BORG-BRIGCH. In Saxon law. A breach or violation of suretyship; pledge-breach, or breach of mutual fidelity.

BORDER WARRANT. A process granted by a judge ordinary, on either side of the border between England and Scotland, for arresting the person or effects of a person living on the opposite side, until he find security, judicio sisti. Bell.

BORDEREAU. In French law. A note enumerating the purchases and sales which may have been made by a broker or stock-broker. This name is also given to the statement given to a banker with bills for discount or coupons to receive. Arg. Fr. Merc. Law, 547.

BORD-HALFPENNY. A customary small toll paid to the lord of a town for setting up boards, tables, booths, etc., in fairs or markets.

BORDLANDS. The demesnes which the lords keep in their hands for the maintenance of their board or table. Cowell.

Also lands held in bordage. Lands which the lord gave to tenants on condition of their supplying his table with small provisions, poultry, eggs, etc.

BORDLODE. A service anciently required of tenants to carry timber out of the woods of the lord to his house; or it is said to be the quantity of food or provision which the bordarii or bordmen paid for their bordlands. Jacob.

BORDSERVICE. A tenure of bordlands.

BOREL-FOLK. Country people; derived from the French bourre, (Lat. floccus,) a lock of wool, because they covered their heads with such stuff. Blount.

BORG. In Saxon law. A pledge, pledge giver, or surety. The name given among the Saxons to the head of each family composing a tithing or decennary, each being the pledge for the good conduct of the others. Also the contract or engagement of suretyship; and the pledge given.

BORGBRICHE. A breach or violation of suretyship, or of mutual fidelity. Jacob.

BOBGESMON. In Saxon law. The name given to the head of each family composing a tithing.

BORGH OF HAMHALD. In old Scotch law. A pledge or surety given by the seller of goods to the buyer, to make the goods forthcoming as his own proper goods, and to warrant the some to him. Skee.