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BOROUGH. In English law. A town, a walled town. Co. Litt. 108b. A town of note or importance; a fortified town. Cowell. An ancient town. Litt. 164. A corporate town that is not a city. Cowell. An ancient town, corporate or not, that sends burgesses to parliament. Co. Litt. 109a; 1 Bl. Comm. 114, 115. A city or other town sending burgesses to parliament. 1 Steph. Comm. 110. A town or place organized for local government.

A parliamentary borough is a town which returns one or more members to parliament.

In scotch law. A corporate body erected by the charter of the sovereign, consisting of the inhabitants of the territory erected into the borough. Bell.

In American law. In Pennsylvania, the term denotes a part of a township having a charter for municipal purposes; and the same is true of Connecticut. Southport v. Ogden, 23 Conn. 128. See, also, 1 Dill. Mun. Corp. § 41, n.

"Borough" and "village" are duplicate or cumulative names of the same thing; proof of either will sustain a charge in an indictment employing the other term. Brown v. State, 18 Ohio St 496.

—Borough courts. In English law. Private and limited tribunals, held by prescription, charter, or act of parliament, in particular districts for the convenience of the inhabitants, that they may prosecute small suits and receive justice at home.—Borough English. A custom prevalent in some parts of England, by which the youngest son inherits the estate in preference to his older brothers. 1 Bl. Comm. 75.—Borough fund. In English law. The revenues of a municipal borough derived from the rents and produce of the land, houses, and stocks belonging to the borough in its corporate capacity, and supplemented where necessary by a borough rate.—Borough-heads. Borough-holders, bors-holders, or burs-holders.—Borough-reeve. The chief municipal officer in towns unincorporated before the municipal corporations act, (5 & 6 Wm. IV. c. 76.)—Borough sessions. Courts of limited criminal jurisdiction, established in English boroughs under the municipal corporations act.—Pocket borough. A term formerly used in English politics to describe a borough entitled to send a representative to parliament, in which a single individual, either as the principal landlord or by reason of other predominating influence, could entirely control the election and insure the return of the candidate whom he should nominate.

BORROW. To solicit and receive from another any article of property or thing of value with the intention and promise to repay or return it or its equivalent. Strictly speaking, borrowing implies a gratuitous loan; if any price or consideration is to be paid for the use of the property, it is "hiring." But money may be "borrowed" on an agreement to pay interest for its use. Neel v. State, 33 Tex. Cr. R. 408, 26 S. W. 726; Kent v. Mining Co., 78 N. Y. 177; Legal Tender Cases, 110 U. S. 421, 4 Sup. Ct. 122, 28 L. Ed. 204.

This word is often used in the sense of returning the this borrowed in specie, as to borrow a book or any other thing to be returned again. But it is evident that where money is borrowed, the identical money loaned is not to be returned, because, if this were so, the borrower would derive no benefit from the loan. In the broad sense of the term, it means a contract for the use of money. State v. School Dist., 13 Neb. 88, 12 N. W. 812; Railroad Co. v. Stichter, 11 Wkly. Notes Cas. (Pa.) 325.

BORROWE. In old Scotch law. A pledge.

BORSHOLDER. In Saxon law. The borough's ealder, or headborough, supposed to be in the discreetest man in the borough, town, or tithing.

BOSCAGE. In English law. The food which wood and trees yield to cattle; browse-wood, mast, etc. Spelman.

An ancient duty of wind-fallen wood in the forest. Manwood.

BOSCARIA. Wood-houses, or ox-houses.

BOSCUS. Wood; growing wood of any kind, large or small, timber or coppice. Cowell; Jacob.

BOTE. In old English law. A recompense or compensation, or profit or advantage. Also reparation or amends for any damage done. Necessaries for the maintenance and carrying on of husbandry. An allowance; the ancient name for estovers.

House-bote is a sufficient allowance of wood from off the estate to repair or burn in the house, and sometimes termed "fire-bote;" plow-bote and cart-bote are wood to be employed in making and repairing all instruments of husbandry; and hay-bote or hedge-bote is wood for repairing of bays, hedges, or fences. The word also signifies reparation for any damage or injury done, as man-bote, which was a compensation or amends for a man slain, etc.

BOTELESS. In old English law. Without amends; without the privilege of making satisfaction for a crime by a pecuniary payment; without relief or remedy. Cowell.

BOTHA. In old English law. A booth, stall, or tent to stand in, in fairs or markets. Cowell.

BOTHAGIUM, or BOOTHAGE. Customary dues paid to the lord of a manor or soil, for the pitching or standing of booths in fairs or markets.

BOTHNA, or BUTHNA. In old Scotch law. A park where cattle are inclosed and fed. Bothna also signifies a barony, lordship, etc. Skene.

BOTTOMAGE. L. Fr. Bottomry.

BOTTOMRY. In maritime law. A contract in the nature of a mortgage, by which the owner of a ship borrows money for the use, equipment, or repair of the vessel, and