Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/498

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so to women deserted by their husbands, who do business as funcs sole. Rhea v. Rhenner. 1 Pet. 105, 7 L. Ed. 72.

FEMICIDE. The killing of a woman. Wharton.

FENATIO. In forest law. The fawning of deer; the fawning season. Spelman.

FENCE, 1;. In old Scotcii law. To defend or protect by formalities. To "fence I court" was to open it in due form, and interdict all manner of persons from disturbing their proceedings. This was called "fencing." 11. «L, defending or protecting the court.

FENCE, n. A hedge. structure, or partition, erected for the purpose of inclosing a piece of land, or to divide a piece of land into distinct portions, or to separate two coiitigiious estates. See Kimbnil v. Carter, 95 Va. 77, ‘.27 S. E. 823. 38 1.. IL A. 570; Estes v. Railroad Co., 63 Me. 309: Allen V. Tobias. 77 Iii 171.

PEN OE-MO N TH, or DEFENSE- MONTH. In old English law. A period of time, occurring in the middle of summer, during which it was unlawful to hunt deer in the forest. that llelng their fawning season. Probably so nailed because the deer were then defenrlcrl from pursuit or hunting. Manivooii: Cowell.

FENERATION. Usury: the gain of Interest; the practice of increasing money hy lending.

FENGELD. In Saxon law A tax or imposition, exacted for the repelling of eneniies.

FENIAN. A champion, hero, giant. This word. in the plural. is generally used to signify invaders or foreign spoiiers. The modern meaning of "fenian" is a member of an rim-animation of persons of Irish birth, resident in the United States. Canada, and elsewhere, having for its aim the overthrow of English rule in Ireland. Webster, fsupp.)

FEOD. The same as feud or fie)‘.

FEODAL. Belonging to a fee or feud; feudsl. More commonly used by the old writers than feudal.



Fidelity or feulty. Cow-

FEODARUM CONSUETUDINES. The customs of feuds. The name of a compilation of feudal laws and customs made at Milan in the twelfth century. It is the most ancient work on the subject, and was always regard-



ed. on the continent of Europe, as possessing the highest authority.

FEODARY. An oihcer of the court of wards. appointed by the master of that court under 32 Hell. VIII. c. 26, whose business It was to be present with the eschestor in every county at the finding of offices of lands, and to give evidence for the king, as well cocnerning the viilue as the tenure; and his omce was also to surxey the land of the ward. after the omce found and to rate il. He also assigned the king's wiilows their

dower; and received all the rents, etc. Aboi- ished by 12 Car. II. c. 24. Wharton. FEODATORY. Iu feudal law. The

grantee of a fond, feud, or fee; the vassal or tenant who heid his estate by feudal service Terines de la Lev. Blackstone uses "feudatorfl-" 2 Bl. Comm. 46.

PEODI ITRIVIA. Fee-farm. (q- 1;.)

In old English lziw

FEODI ITRMARIUS. fee-f.ii-m.

The lessee of a

FEODUM. This word (meaning a feud or fee) is the one most commonly used by the older English law-writers, though its eiiuira lent, "f(:m11Lm." is used geneinlly by the more modern writers and by the feudal law-

wi-iters. Litt. § 1; Spclman. There were various classes of fcoda, among nhich may be enumerated the following: Fruiimri lai-

cimi, a lay fee. Feodimi niilitarc, a knight‘: fee. Fcodum improiniimi-, an improper or derivative fee Fcarlimi prnmiuiii, a prop‘ and 0I‘ig1Il:1] fee. regulated by the strict rules of feudai succession and tenure Fcodum si'niplc.i:, in simple or pure fee; fee-siiiiple Fcorlum tulliatum, a fee-tail. See 2 Bl. Comm. 58, G2; Litt §§ 1. 13: Bract. fol. 1T3; Glan. 13. 2?.

In old English law. A seigniory or ju- risdiction Fiela. lib. 2, c. (:3, § 4.

A fee; a perqiiisite or couipensation for ll service. Fleta, lib. 2, c. T. —1‘eodum untiquunl. A feud which devolved iirmu a rassal from his intestate ancestor. —_1‘eoilum nubile. A fief for which the tcniiiit did L‘,|lIil'd and owed homage Spcii:nan.—1‘eo- dum uovum. A feud acquired by a vassnl hiruscif.

Feodum est quod quis tenet ex qua.- cuuque cause sive sit tenementum sive reditus. C0. Litt. '.L A fee is that which any one holds from whatever cause, whether tenement or rent.

Feodum simplex quin feodum idem est quad iiaereditns, at simylex idem est quad legitimum vel yuxum; at six‘. feodum simplex idem est quod haareditaa legitims, we] liaei-editns inure. Litt. § 1. A fee-simple, so called because fee is the some as inherit- ance, and simple is the same as lawful or