Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/499

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pure; and thus fee-simple is the same as a Inwful inheritance, or pure Inheritance.

Feodnm tnlliatnm, L e., haereniitas in qunndnm certitudinem limitsta. Lltt § 13. Feetall. i. e., an inheritance limited In

1 definite descent.

FEOFFAMENTUM. A feollfment. 2 B1. Comm. 310.

PEOFFARE. To enfeollf , to hestow :1 fee. The hestower was called "fc0ffutor," and the grantee or feolfee, "fcofiatus."

FEOFFATOR. In old English law. A feoffer; one who gives or bestows a me: one who makes a feotfment. Eract. fols. 120, S1.

FEOFFATUS. In old English law. A teolzfee; one to whom a fee is given, or a feoffment made. Bruct. fols. 171). 441:.

FEOFFEE. He to whom afee is conveyed Litt. 5 1: 2 El. Comm. 20. —Feolfee to uses. A person to whom land was conveyed for the use of a third party. Ihe iatter was (Jailed "ccstui qua use."

FEOFFMENT. The gift or any corpo- real hererlitament to another, (2 El. Comm. 310), operating by transmutation of passession, and requiring, as essential to its completion. that the seisen be passed, (Watk. Conv. 153), which might be accomplished either by lnvestitnre or by livery of seisin. 1 Vi ashh. Real Prop. 33. See Thatcher v. Omnns. 3 Pick. (Mass) 532; French v. l ench. S N. H. 260; Perry v. Price, 1 Mo. .. : Ormlolzr v. Turman. 2 Leigh (Va.) 233. 2] Am. Dec. 608.

Also the deel or conveyance by which such corporeal hereditament is passed.

A fs-ofi'ment originally meant the grant of a feud or fee: that is, a ha:-any or kmght's fee. for nhich certain services were due from the feofice to the feofifor. This nas_I,he lJ!‘0'per st-use of the word; but by custom It came afterwards to sig-ni also a grant (with livery of scisin) of s free inheritance to a man and his heirs. referring rather to the perpetuity of the estate than to the feudal tenure. 1 Reeve, Eng’. It was for ages the only method (in ordinary use) for convcyi innd in possession, but has now fallen in great measure into ‘ .se. even in England, having In-on almost entireiy supplanted by some of that class of conveyances founded on, the statute 1:" of the reaim. 1 Steph. Comm. 467. 488. —I‘eolfment to uses. A feofifment of lands lo one person to the use of another.

PEOFPOR. ment, or enfeofling another In fee. Comm. 310: Litt. §§ 1, 57.

The person making a feet!- 2 El.

FEOH. This Saxon word meant originally rattle, and thence Property or money, and. iuy a second transition, wages. reward. or fee. It was probably the original form from which the words "feod." "femlum." "flef," "feu." and "tee" (all meaning a feudal grant or land) have been derived.


FERLINGU8 FEONATIO. ln forest law. The tawn- season of deer.

Fl-IORME. A certain portion or the prod- uce of the land due by the grantee to the lord according to the terms of the charter. Spel. Feuds. c. T.

FERE BESTIE. Wll(l beasts.

FERIE NATURE. Iat. Of a Wild nature or disposition. Animals which are hi nature wild are so designated, by way of distlnction from such as are naturaily tame the latter being called "domitrr mztm'w." Fleet v. Tlegoman. 14 W d. (N. Y.) 43; State v. Taylor. 27 N. J. Law, 119. 72 Am. Dec. 34-7 : Glliet v. Mason, 7 Johns. (N. Y.) 17.

FERCOSTA. Ital A kind nf srnali res sel or hoat. Mentioned In old Scotch law, and called "" Slrene.

FERDELLA TERRIE. A tardel-land; ten acres; or perhaps a yard-land Cowell.

1'1-IRDFARE. Sax. A summons to serve in the army. An ncquittance from going into the army. Fletn, lib. 1. c. 47. §23.

FERDINGUS. A term denoting, apparently. a freeman of the iowest ciass, being named after the cotscti.

FERDVIITE. In Saxon law. An acquittance of manslaughter committed in the army; also a fine imposed on persons for not going forth on a military expedition. Cow- ell.

PERIA. In old Engilsh law. A Week- day: :1 holiday; a day on which process could not be served; a fair; a ferry. Cowell; Du Gauge: Spelman.

FERIE. In Roman law. Holidays: generally speaking. days or seasons during which free-born Romans suspended their po- iitical transactions and their lawsuits, and during which slaves enjoyed a cessation from labor. all fcriw were thus dies nefastl. All fcriw were divided into two classes,-—"feria! 1)llJtl1'(‘Il:" and "fcriw 1;:-it-aim." The latter were only oiuse1'\=e(1 iiy slngie families or individnzfls, in commemoration of some partie ular event which had been of importance to them or their ancestors. Smith. Dict. Antiq.

Fl-IRIAL DAYS. Holidays; also week- days, as distinguished from SnndaY- §owel_L

FERITA. In old European law. A wound; a stroke. Spelman.

FEELING. In old records. The fourth part of a penny; also the quarter of a ward In a horough.

PERLINGATA. A fourth part of a yard- land

PERLINGUS. A furlong. Co. Lltt. 517.