Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/535

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Fructus perceptos villa: non ease constant. Gathered fruits do not maize a part of the farm. Dig. 19, 1, 17, 1; 2 Bouv. Inst. no. 1578.

FRUGES. In the civil law. Anything produced from vines, underwood. chaik-pits, stunequarries. Dig. 50, 16, 77.

Grains and leguminous vegetables. In :1 more restricted sense, any escuient growing in pods. Vic-at, Voc. Jur.: Calvin.

FRUIT. The produce of :1 tree or pinnt which contains the sccd or is used for food.

This term. in legal 11cceptation_ is not confined to the produce of those trees which in popuinr i:1ngu:1:;e are culled "fruit trees," but applies also to the produce of oak. eim, and wainut trees. Buiien v. Denning, 5 Barn. K-. C. 847. —Civil fruits, in the civil law (fructus oivilcn) nre such things_as the rents and income of real

property. th interest on money loaned, and unnuities. C . Code La. 1900. art. ii-1.’ —]?rui1: fallen. The produce of any possession de-

tached therefrom, and capable of being en- joyed by itse' Thus. :1 next presentation. when :1 vacancy has occurred. is :1 fruit faiicn from the ntlvowson. Wl|arton.—I‘ruit of crime. In the law of evidence. Mnterini ob- jccts acquired by means and in consequence of the commission of crime, and sometimes constituting the subject-matter of the crime. Burrili. "re. a . 5 3 Benth. Jud. Ev. 3l.— Natural fruits. The produce of the soii. or of fruit-trees. bushes. vines. etc., which are edible or otherwise usefui or serve for the reproduction of their specks. The term is used 111 contrariistinclion to "nrtificisi f1'ui|.'s." i. 2., such as by metaphor or analogy are iikened

to the fruits of the earth. Of the inner. in- lerest on mone is an example. See Civ. Code In. 1000. art. -15.

Prumentn qua: snta. aunt solo cedero intelliguntur. Grain which is sown is undcrstood to form :1 part of the soii. Inst 2, 1, 32.

In the civil law. Grain. Dig. 50. 16. 77.

FRUMENTUM. 'Il1:1t which grows in an ear.

FRUMGYLD. Sax. The first payment made to the kindred of a si:1iu person in recompense for his murder. Biouut.


chief seat, or mansion house.

In Saxon law. Cowell.

FRUSCA TERRA. In old records. Un- 1ulti\‘:1le(i and desert ground. 2 Mon. Aug]. 327; Cowell.


A breaking; piowing.

Frustra ngit qni judicium prosequl. uequit cum effectu. Iie sues to no purpose who cannot prosecute his judgment with ef-

fect, [who cannot have the fruits of his _1u(L- '

n1ent.] Fieta, iih. 6, c. 37. 5 9.

Frnstru [vans] est potentiu. qua: nun- qunm veanit in autumn. That power is to


no purpose which never comes into act, or which is never exercised. 2 Coke, 51.

1‘:-ugh-n expectatur eventus oujus effectus nullus sequitur. An event is vain- iy expected from which no elffstt toliows.

Frustra fex-untur leges nisi subditis et obedientilms. Laws are made to no purpose, except for those that are subject and ohedient. Branch. Prmc.

Frustrn fit per plurn, quod fleri potest per paueiarn. That is done to no purpose by many things which can be done by fewer. Jenk. Cent. 11. 68, case 28. The empioyruent of more means or instruments for effecting

1 thing than are necessary is to no purpose.

Fruutrn legin auxilium invoent [quarit] qni in legem committit. He vniniy invokes the aid of the law who tr:1nsgressL-s the 1aw. Fietu, lih. 4, c. 2, § 3; 2 Dale, P. C. 386: Broom, l\l:1x. 279, 297.

Fr-ustrn, petis qnod max es x-estiturns. In vain you as]: that which you will have immediateiy to restore. 2 Knmes, Eq. 10}; 5 Man. & G. 757.

I‘:-ustra petis quad statim alter-I reddere cogeris. Jeuk. Cent. 256. You ask in vain that which you might immediateiy be compeiied to restore to another.

Fruslrx-:1 prolrahxr quod pr-obutum non relevat. That is proved to no purpose which, when proved, does not help. Hails. Lot. Max. 50.

FRUSTRUM TERRKJ. A piece or par- cel of iuud iying by itself. 00. Litt. 5b.

FRUTECTUM. In old records. A piace overgrovxu with shrubs and bushes. Spel- man; Biount.

FRUTOS. In Spanish law. Fruits;

products; produce; grains; profits. New Recop. b. 1. tit. 7. c. 5. § 2.


FRYMITH. In old Emziish law. The aflording harbor and entertainment to any one.

FRYTI-ll-2.. Sax. In old English law. A pisin between woods. Co. Litt. 512.

An arm of the sea, or :1 strait between two iunds. Cowell.

FUAGE. FOCAGE. Hearth money. A tax iaid upon each [ire-place or hearth. An imposition of :1 shiiiing for every hearth. levied by Edward III. in the dukedom of Aquitaine. Spelman; 1 Bl. Comm. 324.

PU]-IR. In old English law. Fiight. It is of two kinds: (1) I-‘ucr in fait, or (71 fucio, where a person does apparently and

corporally flee; (2) fiber in lay, or in loge, M