Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/536

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When, being called in the county court, he does not appear, which legal interpretation makes flight. Wharton.

FUERO. code.

A general usage or custom of a province, hming the force of law. Strother v. Lucas, 12 Pet. 4-16, 9 L. Ed. 1137. lr contra fucro, to vioiate a received custom.

A grant of privileges and immunities. Coiweder fucros, to grant exeuiiitions.

A chni ter granted to a city or town. Also designated as "cm-Ins 1mcbl4zs."

An act of donation made to an lndiv'dual, a (-liurch, or convent, on certain coiidi oiis.

A declaration of a magistrate, in relation to tEYiltiO!l, lines. etc.

A charter granted by the sovereign, or those having nnthoiity from him, establishing the franchises of towns, cities. etc.

A piiice where justice is administered.

A pccuiiar forum, before which a party is ameiinbie.

The jurisdiction of a trihunsl, which is entitled to take cognizance of a cause: as more ccclrsiastiro, fuero mi‘l:'ta.r. See Schm. Civii Law, Introd. 64.

—Fnero do Cnstilla. The body of laws and customs which forineriy governed the Unstiii.-ins. —Fnero de eon-ens y caniiinos. A speuul tribunai taking cognizance of iiii matters reiating to the post-oiiice and roads.—Fuex-o de gnen-9.. A speciai tribunal taking cognizance of ail mattcis in relation to poisons serving in the ariny.—!‘uero de mar 13.. A special tri- bunal taking cognizance of sii matters relating to the navy and to the poisons employed therein.—Fne1-o Juzgo. The ‘cram Jurlicium; a code of laws eslnlilislir-d in the seventh century for the Visigoihic kingdom in Spain. .\'ume of its principles and ruics are found sur- viving in the modern jurisprudence of that country. Schm. Cirii Law. Introd. 2S.—I‘nero municipal. The body of inws granted to II citv or town for its government and the ad- ministration of 'ust —I‘uero Ben]. The title of a code of . pnnisli law proniuigatecl by Ai-

phonso U19 L:-ariied, (cl Sabin.) A. D. 1&1"). The

It was the precursor of the Partidas.

Ci'\ii Law. Introd. 7.—I‘nero Viejo.

title of a compilation of Spanish law. pubiished about A. D. 992. Schm. Civii Law. Introd. 05.

In Spanish law. A law; a

FUGA CATALLORUM. In old English law. A drove of cattle. Blount. PUGAGIA. A chase. Blonnt.

FUGAM FEGIT. Lat. He has made flight; he fled. A clause inserted in an in- quisition, in aid English law, meaning that

1 person indicted for treason or felony had

fled. The. effect of this is to make the pnrty forfeit his goods absolutely, and the profits of his lands until he has been pardoned or acquitted.

FUGATOR. In old English law. liege to hunt. Blount.

A driier. Fugatores carrurni-um, drivers of wagons. Fleta, lib. 2, c. 78.

A priv-



PUGITATE. In Scotch practice. To outisw, by the sentence of a court: to out- law for non-appearance in a criininai case. 2 Alis. Crim. Pr. 350.

—I‘rrgitatioio. When :1 tuiminal does not obey the citation to _answer,_t.l1e court pronounces sentence of fugitntion against him, which induces a forfeiture of goods and cliatteis to the C!'0V\lJ.

FUGITIVE. One who flees; aiways used in isw with the implication of a iiiglit. crasion, or escape from some duty or penalty or from the consequences of a misdeed.

—I‘ugitive from justice. A person who, having committed a crime, [11:35 from the state or country where it transpired, in order to evade arrest nud escape justice. Roberts v.

729. 29; L. R. A. 23.‘). 44 Am. In re Vooriiees. 32 1\'. J. Law. . Clnugh. 71 l\‘. H, 59' , . . 67 L. . 9-lfi: People v. II_v. tt, 172 N. Y. 170, 64 N. E. S .60L.R..‘\.77.92Am St.Rep.T06. —1"ugitivo offenders. In English law. "'here a person accused of any offense punish- able by imprisonment, with hard iabor toitweive months or more. has ieft that part of his majs-sty's dominions where the offense is alleged to have been committed. he is iiiihie, it found in any other part of his majes-ty‘s dominions, to be apprehended and returned in manner provided by the fugitive offenders‘ act, 1891, to the part from which he is a fugitive. Vl'l1arton.—I‘ugitive slave. One who. hid in bondage. flees from his miister‘s powe —I‘ngitive slave law. An act of congress puSSPd in 1793 (and also one enacted in lS:'i0) providing for the surrender and deportation of sl we who escaped from their masters and lied nto the territory of another state, generaily :1 "free" state.

PUGITIVUS. In the civil law. A fugitive' :1 runnway siave. Dig. 11, 4; Cod. 6, 1. See the various definitions of this word in Dig. 21, 1, 17.

I‘ ‘U G U E 5. Fr. dence Ambulatory automatism. TOMATISM.

In medical jurispru- See Ao-

FULL. Ampie; complete: perfect: innture: not wanting in any essential quaiity. Mobiie School Coru’rs v. Putnam. 44 Ala.

- Reed v. Hazieton, '37 Kan. 321, 15 Pac.

. 463: In pieziding. _

one not wanting; in Bentlev v. Cicaveland. S17; Durham v. Moore. 48 Kan. 135, 29 Pac. 4T2.—I‘uI1 blood. A term of relation,

Inst. 1. 23. pr. A complete

law. —FI|lI answer. nnd mentorions answer; any cssoniini requisite. 22 1\la.

denoting descent from the some (30l|11lE. Brothels and sisters of full blood are those who sre born of the same father and mother, or, as Justinian calis them, "cm utroquc pa1‘c1zi‘c cnniwn.ot ' Nov. 113. cc. 2, 3; Blackeitl. Rom. Law. 5 145. The more usual term in modern law is ‘wiioie hiood," (q. o.)—I‘ul1 copy. In equity practice. A complete and iinalibreviated transcript of :1 biil or other piesding, with all indorsenicnts, and inciiiding :1 copy of ail exhibits. Finley v. Hunter, 2 Strob. Eq. (S. U.) 210, note. _I‘nll court. In practice. A court in bane. A court duly organized with :11! the judge pres-