Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/589

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lug hot water, which, after sundry prayers and invocations, he did, and was, by the ef- tect which followed, judged guilty or innocent. Wharton.

HOTCHPOT. The blending and mixing property belonging to different persons, in order to diiide it equally. "‘ Bl. Comm. 190.

.~\ncienI.iy applied to the mixing and blending of lands given to one daughter in [rank m.-uri.ige, with those descending to her and her sisters in fee-simple, for the purpose of diiiding the whole equally among them; iiithout iihich the daughter who held in fr-nil; marriage could have no s ire in the lands in fee—s‘u.uple. Litt §§ 267. 263: C0. Liit 177a-; 2 BL Comm. 190.

Hotclipnl, or the 1rum'ng in hotclipot, is applied in modern law to the throwing the niiiouut of an advancement made to a particular child, in real or personal estate, into the cominou stock, for the purpose of a more equal diiision, or of equalizing the shares of ail the children. 2 Kent. Comm. 421, 422. This answers to or resembles the collatio Domzrum, or collation of the civil law. See law v. Smith, 2 R. I. 249; Ray v. Loper. 65 lilo. 472; Jackson v. Jackson, 28 Miss. 680, 6-} Am. Dec. 114: Thompson v. Carmichael, 3 Ssintlf. 011. (N. Y.) 120.

HOTEL. An inn; a public house or tavern; a house for entertiliiing strangers or travelers. St. Louis v. Siegrist, 46 M0. 594; People v. Jones, 54 Barb. (N. Y.) 316; Crom- well v. Stephens, 2 Daly (N. Y.) 19.

Synonyms. In law, there is a difference whatever between the terms "hotel." ‘lnn," and "tnvcm." except that in some states a statutory definition has been given to the word "hotel." especially with reference to the grant of licenses to sell liquor, as. that it shall contain a certain number of separate rooms for the entertainment of guests, or the like. But none of the three terms mentioned will include a. boarding house (because that is a place kept for the entertainment of permanent boarders, while a hotel or inn is for travelers and transient guests), nor a lodging house (because the keep- er thereof does not furnish food for guests, which is one of the requisites of a hotel or inn). nor a restaurant or eating-house, whidi furnishes food only and not lodging. See Martin v. State Ins. C0,, 44 N. .. Law. 485, 43 Am. R.("p. 397; In re Liquor Lrenses, 4 Monte.

Co. Low Ilep'r (Pa) 79- Kelly v. Excise Com'rs. 54 How. Prac. (N. . 331: Carpenter r. Tavlor, 1 Flilt. (N. Y.) 1 3; Cromwell v.

Stephens, 2 Daly (N. Y.) 23

HOUR. The twenty-fourth part of a natural day: sixty minutes of time.

HOUR OF CAUSE. in Scotch practice. The hour when a court is met. 3 How. State Tr. 603.

HOUSE. 1. A dwelling; a building designed for the habitation and residence of men.

"House" means, presumptively. a dwelling- house; a building divided into floora and apart- ments, with four walls. a roof, and doors and



chimneys; but it does not necessarily mean pram y this, Daniel v. Coulsting, 7 Man. & . 25; Surman v, Dqrley, 14 Mass. 5: W. 183 "House" is not SyllDll_\l1l0l.IS with "dwelling- house." While the former is used in a broader and morn comprehensive sense than the latter, it has a narrower and more restricted meaning than the word "buihllng." State v. Garity, 46 N. H. 61. _ _

In the devise of a house, the word "house' is syuon_\-nious wilh "niessuage." and conveys all that comes within the curtilage. Rogers v Smith, 4 Pa. 93.

2. A legislative assembly, or (where the hicamerai system obtains) one of the two branches of the legislature; as the "house of lords." "house or representatives." Also a quorum of a legislative body. See South- worth v. Palmyrr & J. R. Co., 2 Mich. 237.

3. The name "house" is also given to some collections of men other than legislative hodies, to some public institutions, and (colloquislly) to mercantile hrms or joint-stock companies.

—Aucient house. One which has stood long enough to acquire an easement of suppoit a"nlnsl: the adjoining land or lmilding. 3 Kent. ouun. 437.-Bawdy house. A brothel: a bouse malnlained [or purposes of prostltulion.—Beer house. See Bi:i1ic.—Board.irig house. See th'lt titie.—Dwel1:ing house. See that title. -—'.House-bate. A species of estovers, helouglug to a tenant for life or years, consisting in the ilghl: to take from the woods of the lessor or owner sndi timber -as may be necessary for making l‘l3Dilil'S upon the house. See Co. Lltt. 41b.—Huuse-‘burning. See AizsoN.—Honseduty. A tax on inhabited houses im1posed by 14 & 15 Vict. c. 34"», in lieu of winrowduty, which was nbolished.—Houss of commons. One of the constituent houses of the British parliament, composed of representatives of the counties, cities, and boroughs.—Himse of cor- 1-ection. A retormntory. A place for the imprisonment of juvenile ofieuders, or those who have committed crimes of lesser magnitude. Ex parte Moon Fook, 72 Cal. 10, 12 Pac 80-}.- House of delegates. The oficial title of the lower branch of the legislative assembly of several of the American states, e. 11., Maryland and Virginia —House of ill fame. A hairdry- house: a brothel: a dwelling allowed by its chief occupant to be used as a resort of persons dcsiri Iv unlawful sexual intercourse. Mc;\li.ster v.uEinrk. 33 Conn. 91; State v. Smith, 29 Minn. 193, 12 N. W. 5'74; Posnett v. Marhle

G2 Vt. 481. 20 Atl 81... 11 L. R. A Am. St. Rep. 12(i.—House of k s. The name of the lower branch of the legislative assembly or parliament of the Isle of Man, consisting of twenq-four representatives chosen by popular eiection.—House of lords. The upper chamber of the British parliament. It comprises the ardibishops and bishops, (called "Lords Spiritui\i.") the English peers sitting by virtue of hereditary right, sixteen Scotdi peers elected to represent the Scotch eerzige under the act of union, and twenty-cig t Irish peers elected under similar roiisions. The house of lords. -as a judicial ho y, has ultimate appellate jurisdiction, and may sit as a. court for the trial of impeachmouts.—Houae of refuge. A prison for juvenile delinquents. A house of correction or refurmatory —House of representatives. The name of the body f0I'l:Ei|DE the more popular n.ncl numerous branch of the congress of the United States; also of the similar branch in manv of the state legislatures. —House of worship. A building or place set apart for and devoted to the holding of relig- ious services or exercises or public worship. a church or chapel or place similarly used. Old