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South. Soc. v. Boston. 127 Mass. 379; Letevre v. Detroit. 2 Mich. 589; Washington Heights M. 117. Church v. New York, 20 Hun (N. Y.) 21)? —Inner house, enter house. See [hose ulk-s.—Mansian house. See Mansion.- Public house. An inn or tavern; a house for the entertainment of the public, or for the entertainment at all who come lawfully and [Jay rcguiarly. 3 Brevvst. 344. A place of pub- ic resort, particularly for purposes or drinking or gaming. In a more general sense, any house made puhllc by the occupation carried on in it: and the implied invitation to the public to enter. such as inns, taverns, drinking saloons, gambling houses, and perhaps also shops and stores. See Cole v. State, % Tex. A p. 536, 1!’. S. . 859, 19 Am. St. Rep. 856; [State v. Barns. 25 Tex. (355: Arnold v. State. '39 Ala. 50; LafIerty v. State, 41 Tex. Cr. R. 606. 56 S. W. 6'23; Bentley v. State. 32 Ala. 599; Brown v. State. 27 Ala. 50.—'l‘ippling hon: . A place where intoxicating liquors are sold in drama or small quantifies to be drunk on the premises, and \\ here men resort for drinking purposes.

HOUSEAGE. A fee paid for housing goods by a carrier, or at a wharf, etc.

HOUSEBREAKING. In criminal law. Breaking and entering a d-Welling-house with intent to commit any felony therein. If done by night, it comes under the definition of "hu.rglary."

HOUSEHOLD. A family living together. May v. Smith. 48 Ala, 488: Woodward v. Murray, 13 Johns. (N. Y.) 402; Arthur v. Morgan, 112 U. S. 495, 5 Sup. Ct. 241, 28 L. Ed. 825. Those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family. Webster. A man's family living together constitutes his household. though he may have gone to an- other state.

Belonging to the house and family; domestic. Webster.

—I-Ionsehold furniture. See FUBNI'i‘URE.— Household goods. These words. in a W’ ' elude everything of a permanent nature (I. e..



‘ articles of household which are not consumed

in their enjoyment) that are used in or pur- chased or otherwise acquired by a testator for his house. 1 Rap. Leg. 191 ; Marquam v. Song- felder. 24 Or. 2. 3'3 Pat: 676: Smith v. Findley, 34 Kan. 316. 8 Pac. 871 In re IIoopes' Estnta. 1 Brevlst. (Pa) 44 —]-Ionsehnld stnif. This phrase, in a wi , includes everything which may be used for the convenience of the house, as tables. chairs. bedding, and the like. But apparel. hooks, weapons, tools for artific- ers. cattle. vietuals, and choses in action will not pass by those words, unless the context of the will clearly show a contrary intention. 1 Rnp. Lcg. 206. See Appeal of Hoopes, 60 Pa. 227, 100 Am. Dec. 502.

HOUSEHOLDER. The occupier of a house. Brande. More correctly, one who keeps house with his family; the head or master of a fanuiy. Webster; 18 Johns. 302. One who has a household; the head of a household. See Greenwood v. Maddox, '27 Ark. (:55; Sullivan v. Conan. Wils. (Ind.) 534; Shlreiy v. Lunktord, 174 Mo. 5'35, 74 S. IV. 835.

HOUSEKEEPER. One who is in actual possession of and who occupies a house, as



distinguished from a "boardsr," "ledger," or "guest." See Bell v. Keach. S0 Ky. 45; \"ella V. Koch. 27 I11. 131.

HOVEL. A place used by husbandm to set their plows, carts, and other t.n'n.1ing utensils out of the rain and sun. A shed; a Cottage; :1 mean house.

HOWE. In old English law. A hill. Co. Litt. 5b. HOY. A small coasting vessel. usually

sloop-rigged, used in conveyhg passengers and goods from place to place, or as a tender to Larger vessels in port. Webster.

HOYMAN. The master or mptain of I hoy.

HUCKSTER. A petty dealer and retailer of small articles of provisions, particularly farm and garden produce. Hays v Cincinnati, 1 Ohio SL 27.!;Lcbanon County v. Kline. 2 Pa. Co. Ct. R. 622.

HUCUSQUE. to. 2 Mod. 24.

In old pleading. Hither-

]-FUDE-GELD. In old English law. An ncquittunce for an assauit upon a trespassing servant. Supposed to be a mistake or misprint in Fieta for "Iu'negclcl." Fleta. lib. 1, c. 47, § 20. Also the price of one's skin, or the money paid by a servant to save himself from a -whipping. Du Cange.

HUB AND CRY. In old English law. A loud outcry with which felons (such as robbers, burglars, and murderers) were anciently pursued, and which all who heard it were bound to take up, and join in the pursuit, until the maiefactor was taken. Bract fols 1151), 124; 4 Bl. Comm. 293.

A written procl.1uI.-ztion issued on the escape of a felon from prison, requiring all otiicers and people to assist in retaking him. 3 How. State Tr. 386.

HUEBRAS. In Spanish law. A meas- ure of land equal to as much as a yoke of oxen can plow in one day. 2 White, liecop. G35.) -19; Strother v. Lucas. 12 Pet. 443, 9 L. Ed 1137.

I-IUIS. L. Fr. A door. "Al hwis zlel aeplise," ¢t the door of the church. Bendloe, 133.

HIJISSERIUM. A ship used to transport horses. Also termed "u]7‘cr."

EUISSIERS. In French law. Marshals; ushers; process-servers; sheriffs’ oI.h'cers. iiiinisterlai oiiicers attachetl to the courts, to effect legal service of process required by law in actions. to issue executions. etc., and to maintain ordsr during the sitting or the courts.