Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/718

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Leges non verbis, led. rebna, aunt impositse. Laws are imposed, not on words, but things. 10 Coke, 101; Branch, Princ.

Legen posterinre: px-lore: cuntrariau aln-ogant. Later laws abrog-ate prior laws that are contrary to them. Broom. Max. 27. 29.

Legea should bind their own maker. C 17. § 11.

nnun ligent latorem. Laws Fieta. lib. 1,

Leges vigilnntibua, non dormientibns, euhveniunt. The laws aid the vigilant, not the negi"ent. Smith v. Caril. 5 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 12.’, 145; Toole v. Cook, 16 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 142, 1-1-1

LEGIBUS SOLUTUS. Lat. Released from the laws: not bound by the laws. An expression applied in the Roman civil law to the emperor. Galvin.

Legibnl snmptis desinentibun, lege natnrre ntemhun est. When lavss imposed by the state fail, we must act by the law of nature. 2 Rolie. 298.

LEGIDSUS. In old records. Litigious, and so subjected to a course of law. Cuwell.

Legia conutx-nctin non fncit injuriam. Co. Litt. 183. The construction of law does no injury.

Legis interpretntio legin vim obtinet. Eilesin. Post-n. 55. The interpretation of law obtains the force of law.

Legi: minister non tenetur in executinne ufiicii sul, lugex-e ant retrocedcre. The minister of the law is bound, in the execution of his office. not to fly nor to retreat. Branch, Princ.

LEGISLATION. The act of giving or en; State v. Hyde, 121 Ind. 20, 22 N. E 64-1.

LEGISLATIVE. Making or giving laws; pertaining to the function of i£l'l\—lllI1L’1llg or to the process of enactment of laus. See E\ans\‘iile v. State, 118 Ind. 426, 21 N. E. 257. 4 L. R A. 93.

—Legislal:ive department. That department of govelnrneut whose appropriate function is the making or enactment of laws, as distin- guished from the judicial department, vlhich interprets and applies the laws, and the executive de1'|'menl', nliirh carries them into execution and efiert ‘:29 In re Davies, 168 N. Y 8.’). 61 N '. S, G L. R. A. S55.—Le[;is1a.tive al- flcer. A mt-mber of the legislative hodv nr dc- partment of a state or municipal corporation. See Prosecuting \llnrney v Judge of I-iu><onl- er‘: Court, 59 Mich. 529, 26 N. W. 694.—Legis- Intive power. The lawrnaking power; the department of government whose function is the framing and (‘llu('[|'\l t of Inns Evansville v. State. 118 ind. 42 '. E. -37, 4 L. R. A.



93; Sanders v. Cabaniss. -13 Ala. 180; Brown V. Galveston, 97 Tex. 1, 75 S. W. 49 O'Neil v. American F. Ins. Co., 166 Pa. 30 Atl. 943, 26 L. R. A. 715, 45 A111. St. Rep. 650.

LEGISLATOE. One who makes laws; a member of a legislative body.

Legialatorllzn est viva vox, rehun et non vex-his legem imponere. The voice of iegislutors is a liiing voice, to impose laws on things, and not on words. 10 Coke, 10L

LEGISLATURE. The department, assembly, or body of men that makes laws for a state or nation; a legislative body.

LEGISPEEITUS. Lat. A person skill- ed or learned H] the law; a lawyer or advocate. Feud. lih. 2, tit. 1.

LEGIT V1-IL NON? In old English practice. this was the formal question propounxled to the ordinary when a piisoner claimed the benefit of clurgy,—(10es he read or not? If the ordinary found that the prisoner was entitled to clergy, his formal answer was, "Legit ut clcricus," he reads like a clerk.

LEGITIM. In Scotch law. The chil- dren's share in the father's movabies.

LEGITIMACY. Lawful birth; the condition of being born in wedlock; the opposite of lllegitiniacy or hnstardv. Davenport v. Caldwell, 10 S. C. 337; Pratt v. Pratt, 5 Mo. App. 541.

LEGITIMATE, 1:. To make iuwful; to confer legitimacy; to place a child born before in.u'rin,':e on the footing of those burn in lawful wedlock. McKainie v. Buskerville, SB Tenn. 45!), 7 S. W. ]9-1; Blythe v. Ayres, 96 Cai, 532. 31 Puc. 915, 19 L. R. A. 40.

LEGITIMATE, adj. That which is law- ful, legul, recognized by law, or according to law; as legitimate children, legitunate authority, or lawful power. Wilson v. Babb, 18 S. C. " : Gates v. Scibert. 157 M0. 254, 57 S. W. 1065, 80 Am. St. Rep. 625.

LEGITIMATIDII. The making legitimate or lawful that which was not originally so; especially the act of legalizing the status of a bastard.

—Legitimntion per nnbseqnens matrimo- niinu. The ix» itimatinn of a bastard by the subsequent marriage of his’ parents. Bell.

LEGITIME. Lat. In the civil law. That portion of 11 parent's estate of which he cannot disinherit his children without a legal cause. Milier v. Miller, 105 La. 257, 29 South 802; Cox v. Von Ahlereldt, 50 La. Ann. 1266, 23 South. fit).

Legltime impel-anti parere naeeuse est. Jcnk. Cent. 120. One lawfully commanding must he obeyed.