Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/719

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LEGITIMI HÆREDES. Lat. In B0- mau law. Legitimate heirs; the agnate relations of the estate-leaver; so called because the inheritance was given to them by a law or the Twelve Tahies.

LE G I T I M U S. Lawful; legitimate. Le;/iliiniis lurres et filius est qucm nuptim drnioiislrant. a lawful sou and heir is he whom the marriage points out to be lawful. Bract. fol. 63.

LEGO. Lnt. In Roman law. I bequeath. A common term in wllis. Dig. 80, 36, 81, et seq.

1.]-IGRUITA. In old records. A fine for criminal conversation with a woman.

LEGULEIUS. A person skilled in law, (in lcyibiis t'crxatu.s;) one versed in the forms of law. Calvin.

LEIDGRAV1-1. An officer under the Sax- on government, who had jurisdiction over a inth. Enc. Loud. See LATE.

LEIPA. O1‘ 1'\1l.l3.W€l)'.

In old English law. A fugitive

LEND. To part with a thing of value to another for a time fixed or indefinite, yet to have some time in ending, to be used or en- joyed by that other, the thing itself or the equivalent of it to be given back at the time fixed, or when lawfully asked for, with or without compensation for the use as may be

agreed upon. Kent 17. QUiC1\Si1V€l' Min. 00., 78 N. Y. 177. LENDER. lie from whom a thing is hor-

rowcd. The hailor of an article loaned.

LENT. ln ecclesiastical law. The quad- ragcsimnl fast: I1 time of abstinence; the time from Ash-Wednesday to Easter.

LEDD. Rpelmun

People; a people; a nation.

LI-JODES. In old European law. A vansai, or liege man; service; a wave or wereyild. Spelinan.

LEDHT-GESCEDT. the church with iights.

A tax for supplying Anc. Inst. Eng.

LEDNINA SDCIETAS. Lat. An attempted partnership, in which one party was to hear all the losses, and have no share in the profits. This was a void partnership in Roman law; and, apparently, it wouid also he will as a partnership in English law, as being inherently inconsistent with the notion of partnership. (Dig. 17, 2, 29, 2.) Brown.

LEP AND LACE. A Custom in the manor or Writtie, in Essex, that every cart which



goes over Greenhury within that manor ‘ex cept it he the cart of a nobleman) shall pay 4d. to the lord. Biount.

LEPDRARIUS. A greyhound. Cowell.

LEPORIUM. A place where hares are kept. Mon. Angi. t. 2. p. 1035.

LEPEDSUS. L. Lot. A leper. —Leproso nmovendo. A11 nncient writ that lay to remove a leper or lazar, who thrust him- self into the company of his nelghbors in tiny parish, either in the church or at other public meetings, to their annoyance. Reg. Orig. 237.

LESCHEWES. Trees fallen by chance or wind-falls. Brooke, Ahr. 3-i1.

LESE MAJESTY. The old English and Scotch translation of "larsa ma,jestus." or high treason. 2 Reeve, Eng. Law, 6.

LESIDN. Fr Damage; injury; detriment. Kelham. A term of the Scotch iavv.

In the civil law. The injury suffered by one who does not receive a full equivalent for what he giies in it commutative contract. Civil Code La. art. ISC-O. Inequality in contracts. Poth. 0hl.. no. 83.

In medical jurisprudence. Any change in the structure of an organ due to injury or disease, whether apparent or diagnosed as the cause of a functional irregularity or disturbance.

LESPEGEND. An inferior officer in forests to take care of the vert and venison therein. etc. Wharton.

LESSEE. He to whom R. lease 15 made. He who holds an estate by virtue of a lease. V’itcr|m v. l~‘i'iedlnndei'. 120 U. S. 707, 7 Sup. Ct. 902, 30 L. Ed. 776.

LESSOR. He who grants a lease. Viter-

bo v. Friedlander. 120 U. S. 707, 7 Sup Ct. 9G3. 30 L. Ed. 776. —Lessnr of the plaintiff. In the action of ejectnicnt, this was the party who really and in elIect prosecuted the action and was interested in its result The reason of his havin-v been so called arose from the circumstance 0? the action having been carried on in the name of a nominal plaintiff. (John Doe. to \_vhom the real plaiutifi had granted R fictitious lease, and thus had become liis lessor.

Fr. In French maritime law. Ord. Mar. liv. 4. tit. 4. art. 1.

LEST. Ballast.

A custom for Fletn.

Ii]-ISTAGE, LASTAGE. carrying things in fairs and markets. l. 1, c. 47; Tcrmes de la Ley.

LESTAGEFRY. Lestage free, or ex- empt from the duty of pa: ing hallast money Cowell.