the stomach, small and large intestines, was of a dusky red, and on opening them blood-stained fluid gushed out. The pancreas was of an intense red. The liver was much enlarged, and weighed 5 lbs. The spleen weighed ℥xv. Microscope sections showed sub-tertian rosettes and very black pigment in the pancreas and intestines, the capillaries being completely blocked. The superficial layers of the mucosa were necrotic. A few parasites also were found in the spleen, liver, kidneys, and lymphatic glands, but in no part an accumulation corresponding to that in the pancreas and intestines. No evidence of any but quite recent malaria was present. The blood of this patient was not examined during life, as nothing had pointed to malaria.
Case 15. H. M., 20. Admitted, 21st July 1903, for painful micturition, distended abdomen, œdema about the ankles. Heart and urine normal. This case seemed quite obscure. Temperature on admission 101.2°. On 24th July temperature rose to 106.2°. Blood examined, and quartan parasites in very great numbers in all stages were found. Patient put on quinine, and straight ahead recovery ensued.